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Everything posted by HiggyBaby

  1. Saw that this morning and literally said wtf out loud. Had no idea he was sick. So sad. 2020 can suck it.
  2. Just got done watching. Thought it was pretty good, right in the spirit of the first one. Worth the $. Some fun cameos and NoHo Hank as the robot was great. Did not like the American actresses they cast as the English wives though.
  3. On the other hand I can’t think of a bad song on that AB album. It’s fantastic . The ensuing tour didn’t hurt either .
  4. Running Down a Dream and Free Falling hooked me in. But Face in the Crowd kept me there. Great memories surround that album for me, good call.
  5. The workers need time to stock up on Franzia and Yellowtail at HEB yo.
  6. Sounds outrageous but I’d have to see the evidence first in the interest of fairness and science.
  7. Billy Idol - Rebel Yell IMO Blue Highway was the best track behind Eyes without a Face. Daytime Drama probably weakest link but still a great listen start to finish. Fight me. Rebel Yell Daytime Drama Eyes Without A Face Blue Highway Flesh For Fantasy Catch My Fall Crank Call (Do Not) Stand In The Shadows The Dead Next Door
  8. Y’all on crack. Zooropa’s where it’s at.
  9. Don’t look now but TX Lotto is way up. Someone’s due soon. I won $10 over the last two drawings. First round’s on me boys.
  10. I’m five episodes into season one. Slowly reading this thread as I go... enjoying so far
  11. I’m five episodes into season one. Slowly reading this thread as I go... enjoying so far
  12. Written to honor the passing of one of their roadies. And still a dope song
  13. SIAP. Lots of negligence. https://news.yahoo.com/russian-owner-abandoned-ship-full-104713006.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=fb&tsrc=fb
  14. Instradesting. It is from an old mutual fund. I"ll have to followup on this.
  15. My name and really old address from ‘98 is showing up with a $0.00 claim. Why even list it if it’s a zero dollar claim? Am I missing something here?
  16. Learning that surfing porn on the corporate network in the 90s was, in fact, frowned upon.
  17. Only time I remember seeing them en mass was when my parents built their house in Lakeway back in the 90s. Scorpions would hang out on the soffits every night. One of those bastards stung me when I picked up the hose one day and he was chilling on it. I wish you well in your effort to kill those bastards.
  18. Just finished ZeroZeroZero. That was some insane television right there. I did like how they would reset a sequence of events from one person to another during each episode. Also, can’t believe Tom Cruise’s fake wife from Oblivion played the sister.
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