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Posts posted by HiggyBaby

  1. Trade offer: I have D Cook and Sony at RB. Devanta Adams and committee at WR
    I give: AJones and TBoyd
    I get JMixon, Edelman, & McLauren
    we can start 1RB and 3 WR
    what sayth the surlists?

    $0.02: Jones for Mixon is a huge downgrade. Edelman is an upgrade over Boyd. And McLaurin has nobody to throw to him so he’s a huge gamble.
  2. Ok so I live in DFW and the surprise factor for these storms was pretty big. The local guys as late as yesterday morning said the primary threat was wind/heavy rain as the cold front came through but it would be short lived. And I think it was the channel 5 guy who said low tornado chances. Basically I’m not sure the first mega round that did the damage was even forecasted? Two tornadoes at least right?




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