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Posts posted by HiggyBaby

  1. Dropped my check in the mail yesterday. Mostly because my cpa firm waits til the last second for regular Joe’s like me when they are done with the corporates. As in a late Sunday email with end result. That said our tax burden went down decently. More in our paychecks and a much smaller year end bill.

  2. Caught a couple over the weekend.

    Gross Pointe Blank. Haven’t seen it in years. Still holds up great. Works on so many levels. The comedic violence. The 80s music nostalgia and associated soundtrack. Dan Aykroyd in a bad guy/antagonist role. The romance with Minnie Driver in her heyday. Very enjoyable.

    October Sky. A good one for fans of heartwarming movies. Great performances all around. A classic for sure.

  3. Done with the online ground school.  Now studying for the written. Researching CFIs/Flight Schools (Longview area).  Will also get my medical in the next couple weeks.  Anything to worry about for a 3rd class?

    The Medical is cake unless you have a sketchy history. Get it done early so there’s no surprises. A good site to peruse ahead of time if for no other reason than to browse eye charts and look at what meds are ok: https://www.leftseat.com

    Also another ggg option for CFI is this guy. Don’t know him but he promotes quite regularly on FB pilot pages.

  4. based on what we saw in the finale, i know what i'm about to say would take some serious fucking gymnastics...but i really hope barry didn't kill janice.
    something that significant this early in the series basically puts the heat on barry for the remainder of the series.  the main cop is already up his ass and using his closest relationship to get the goods.  unless this series was only intended to last two seasons, it's gonna need some sort of turn/twist away from this.

    Yeah I think the “off camera” moment in the finale is the key to get the cop off his trail. What that is who knows.
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