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Posts posted by HiggyBaby

  1. Not their biggest 90s song but certainly one that undoubtedly let the listener know that the 80s U2 they knew was no more. Perfect album and tour opener. And about the only tour I can recall that dwarfed even the largest stadiums.

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  2. Ripped my collection years ago. Sold most of them to one of those used cd places that was still around. I kept some of them in a box though. Rare imports, singles, sentimental albums, etc. If nothing else will make for a fun discussion when my kids get older.
    Now getting rid of all my cassettes and mix tapes years ago, that’s one I regret.

  3. Or it could be a jammed horizontal stabilizer, but where’s the fun in speculating about that?


    Flight control malfunction is certainly up there. I can guarantee you those 20 seconds were split between WTF just happened and trying to regain control of the plane. With maybe a few seconds of trouble shooting mixed in. If they were able to regain control at some point then maybe a mayday call to ATC. First rule of flying is Aviate, Navigate, Communicate.



    NTSB is saying to expect a 12-18 month investigation.  


    Should see a preliminary well before that.


  4. Cold Pursuit. Winter time Liam Neeson movies never disappoint and this one is no exception. Definitely action packed but damn funny too, which I wasn’t expecting. Dark. The Native American group was great. Only quibble is Laura Dern. Her role was barely there.


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