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Posts posted by HiggyBaby

  1. The only Riverside venue I can think of that might have hosted Pantera would be The Back Room.  Also, Austin Opera House was on Academy drive, near Riverside & South Congress.

    Probably the back room. No too different from the basement in Dallas where they did some epic shows in their early days. Although by 93 they were getting bigger.

    Yep, that sounds right!
  2. On 10/15/2021 at 2:46 PM, HiggyBaby said:

    Like a few of you I’m sure I “worked” as an usher there back in the day. Best show I got paid to see was GNR, U2 zoo tv, plant/page, and NIN. Most of the rest were a blur. Best show I paid for was Petty late 90s.

    So speaking of GNR*, a few of us senior guys got pulled aside after and were asked if we wanted to go work security at the Pantera show. I was all over it. We worked the pit and had a great time.  But I have no idea where it was. It was a small venue that I thought was somewhere off Riverside but I can’t recall. Anyone know?


    *I’m 99% sure it was after this show in ‘93 but I’m not positive 

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  3. On 4/20/2023 at 7:47 AM, Parliament said:

    I was in HS during TNG's first run.  Fox had new eipsodes on Monday, and reruns the rest of the week.  EVERY night I'd watch. That means I saw most of the series 3 times before I graduated.  The closing credits music is etched in my soul.


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    That post-credit scene means we're geting ST: Legacy.  No way they'll leave us hanging.  No way.  


    TNG was must watch TV for me in the 90s as well, as were the movies. Just wrapped up Picard. I started season one during Covid and never finished it because it was so bad. But I sucked it up and trudged thru seasons one and two recently. Season three was absolutely epic. All the feels, it was so well done. I sure hope they continue with Legacy. 

  4. 11 hours ago, Wiler77 said:

    I'm clearly missing something. Your LOL gif is from a movie that was released in 1991? Or is this reply to something above?

    yes, it’s a scene clip from Hot Shots. Laugh or move on. image.gif.1a39a6a27be8f18898f857af3f677665.gif

  5. https://screencrush.com/naked-gun-remake/


    Please be good. Liam Neeson could actually work in this role.


    According to Variety, the new Naked Gun with Neeson will be “directed and executive produced by Akiva Schaffer, who co-wrote the draft script alongside Dan Gregor and Doug Man, reprising their partnership from the Emmy-winning film Chip ‘N Dale: Rescue Rangers.” (If you missed that movie, it was actually about as close to a good modern-day spoof as Hollywood has made in recent years, so that’s a great team to make a new Naked Gun movie.)


    As for Neeson, he might seem like an odd choice for a comedy like The Naked Gun but I actually think he could be a perfect fit. Before Airplane!, Leslie Nielsen was not known as a comic actor at all. He was poking fun at his own image as a kinda-stiff guy in mostly middling dramas, and he turned out to be perfect at that. Nielsen has been funny in movies — he was great as a voice in The LEGO Movie — but he has such an intense gruff persona in action movies, he has a lot of material to work with playing a comic version of himself.


    The new Naked Gun is scheduled to open in theaters July 18, 2025.

  6. Amazing how any of us survived without cell phone service for a couple of hours.  Frankly found it peaceful on my end without calls/text/emails for a bit.
    People bitching about needing an entire month credited for this need to step off the ledge.

    We were down from around 6am until 11:30am. While the peaceful aspect sounds nice, we rely heavily on reliable cell service. Two kids out driving to school, me on the road for work, Mrs Higgybaby managing work calls from home,. etc. Thankfully the latter was worked around via WiFi calling, but AT&T can go fuck themselves with their amateur hour deployment whoopsie and $5 mea culpa.
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