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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Call

  1. Just finance it like the ‘vette, but have them take the price tag off.
  2. I store aggy tears in mine
  3. Ex wife: “I checked my mirrors and backup camera BEFORE I started backing”.
  4. Delores!!
  5. You best unfuck yourself or I will unscrew your head and shit down your NECK!
  6. What? Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
  7. Boom. Another good continuation.
  8. (Old)How the hell am I supposed to see the little dots!!!(old)
  9. Bulgogi. Anyone got a preferred recipe?
  10. I’d eat that and damn the consequences
  11. No clue what the hell I just read. Maybe some rain, maybe not and a chance of sex.
  12. You know Spider, you're a fuckin' mumbling stuttering little fuck. You know that?
  13. Lulz This forum apparently requires fewer clicks.
  14. I kind of wish he did make himself a Darwin Award winner.
  15. HEB Curbside
  16. Don’t conjur him up
  17. The coconut oil is to sooth the anus after the fiery wet gush of shit.
  18. Kook. Damn autokorrect.
  19. Bingo card?
  20. Dear ESPN: Fuck you
  21. That’s an insult to adult Butthead but an uncanny resemblance
  22. Drive through dacqueries
  23. Yes. Picture forthcoming when this old can post them properly. Good to have this thread carry over.
  24. Call

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