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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Call

  1. Fuck you okie lite! Go Bijan!
  2. Make this count!
  3. The shitty one
  4. Okie Lite’s gonna get it today.
  5. I want to believe 4–1 is the outcome and an outside shot (-0, but feel we are going to get caught with our pants down and have another loss like dirt aggy and end up 3-2 which will disappoint me, but we are making progress.
  6. For the first time in my life I was rooting for Josh Huepel.
  7. It’s a damn shame we are at this point, but my only regret is that it was not a complete skull fucking.
  8. Glad to have the win, but pissed off at the shitty level of play.
  9. Don’t make me fucking hate you Defense. Do your fucking job.
  10. Call


    First order of business get rid of this guy.
  11. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo21UmZL9pg. i like Joel klatt’s commentary and agree. also I like Drew Kelson’s hit on him in the Big 12 Championship game on 12/03/05. 🤘🏻 70 to 3.
  12. Aggy doesn’t need anybody new, they are doing just fine in the SEC.
  13. Poor aggy!
  14. 12 th man! Go aggy!
  15. Aggy is still going to lose.
  16. We almost beat gump who was not playing their heisman qb. It’s a moral victory.
  17. Call


    We can revisit in January. As a team as a whole we should not have lost to dirt aggy with or without QE, but this is another step in the right direction but there are plenty more games to play. The cake is not fully baked.
  18. Riding a nice buzz and happy on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. All is well in my world. The coming drunk and happy post will be on the bama/aggy thread later tonight.
  19. It is 3:05 PM and OU really sucks
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