so I know Sark is not the only one that does this, but how exactly do they work it?
are there 15 plays they are going to call one after the other no matter the situation or 15 plays they are going to call in the first 15, but with down and distance factored in
if there is a kickoff and some knucklehead fields it at the 12 and then there is a block in the back and the ball is on the 6 to start the drive do you still call the long pass down the sidelines play you wanted to open with even though it has less chance of success
if it is 3rd and 6 on the opening drive at your own 22 do you still call the draw up the middle or the curl routes for 4 yards even though you need 6 yards
if you bust off a long kick off return to start and then the first two plays get you 9 yards at their 27 so it is 3rd and 1 at their 27 do you still call the slow developing screen play to the flat that is almost a backwards pass even though you need 1 yard and have been running well on the prior 2 plays
or again is it 15 plays you choose from to run in the first of those options seems to fuck you into calling dumb shit "because first 15 plays scripted" and you think nothing of the down, distance, and location on the field