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Everything posted by ButtFumble

  1. with that being said, please respect his decision
  2. so you want an owner that just sits there and writes checks and then questions nothing?......when has that ever worked......you agreed to the deal when Jerry bought the team and that was Jerry would be the GM! 😁
  3. it is going to be kingsbury because he is not a threat to bang any of the young girls Jerry likes
  4. I feel better with the one day delay and Texas being able to see the game last night I believe a lot of college sports is "mental" and when your mind is in the right place you can overcome a lot I think there was a narrative that penn state (and Ohio State) were pretty much unstoppable, but ND made penn state look pretty bad overall and I think Texas knows ND is beatable I think Texas will be set up a lot more with the mindset like they went into Michigan with earlier in the year vs. the mindset they have shown in the last few games
  5. that shit looked like it was going right then came back inside the movement on that kick was crazy
  6. Haynes King could start for both of these teams
  7. damn he threw into double top secret coverage
  8. I think he just blew a snot rocket without plugging a nostril and Jeter should take that bat and beat the shit out of the bank guy
  9. that run reminded me of Grandpaw Simpson going in and out the door
  10. the other QB's chiropractor dad rubbed his groin at the half
  11. what does a chiropractor do for a groin injury
  12. fair catch at the 2.....who in the fuck does that....oh wait...
  13. that play was the exact opposite of the penn state play earlier.....the receiver actually turned and caught it instead of beng hit in the head
  14. you do not just march into kyle field and march out with a win that is the toughest place to play in the world......anyone should be scared to play a team that does that!
  15. that drive started strong then it looked like penn state found out this ND team beat aggy and got scared
  16. https://www.ventusky.com/?p=32.99;-96.28;7&l=snow you can follow along with how it is moving and predicted to move here using the side choices and the play button at the bottom
  17. portrait so after a late night out in the DFW all I need to do is go park in the middle of some park cities street with not too much traffic and wait for the cops to come pick me up and get me some free Whataburger after I give some finger prints, get a self portrait taken, and get some rest?
  18. their tuition is massive, but the one thing about that is they do give a lot of financial aid https://www.smu.edu/-/media/site/admission/prospective-student-publications/fy25/240877-financial-aid-brochure-issuu-r0.pdf looking at that they have it with a cost of $86K all in with housing and meals, but over 50% of their students get $30K or more in "gift aid" that does not need to be paid back another 17% are getting at least $20K and up to $30K https://www.smu.edu/admission/financialaid and above it says 71% of their students graduate with no debt at all that is one thing people ignore with these "rack rate" tuitions there are a number of wealthy students that are paying rack rate so that others can get a lot of financial aid and there are a lot of wealthy donors that are giving money that goes to financial aid that cuts that rack rate tuition way down for a very large % of students for Texas in state fall and spring on campus "rack rate" is $32K and unfortunately one thing that Texas is known for along with aggy is not having a massively generous financial aid package in terms of "free money" that does not have to be paid back over and above what is available from the feds and other sources that most universities and their students can access.....and as far as recruiting out of state students where "rack rate" is just under $65K a year there is even less available the UT System does have free tuition for families earning under $100,000, but there is still the cost of housing and I would imagine at SMU a student with good enough grades where SMU really wants them coming from a family making under $100K they will probably pay about the same or less to go to SMU vs Texas most of the top private universities with large endowments could do a much better job framing their tuition cost overall, but then again I think some are less interested in students and their families that cannot investigate and figure a lot of that out for themselves.....it shows a bit of a lack of effort to really find a match and a reason to make a choice besides simply "cost" or what is perceived as cost without doing some basic investigating
  19. 1. the average tenure of a university president s 5.9 years......you add in the fossils like Turner at SMU, the former presidents at UTEP, UTSA, and Texas State that have recently left (that average is in the USA, but those are LONG service and way past their time presidents I am familiar with) and a president leaving after 5 years is not unusual 2. looking at what Turner made and considering that a lot of people give him credit for "building a lot of fountains and buildings" and not much else I can see them offering $4 to $4.5 million per year especially to "poke at Texas" and that is about 3X what he was making at Texas and with no state income tax that shit goes a long way.....and I am sure he still have plenty of friends that will let him sleep on their futon if he wants to visit Austin and go to the lake or hang out in one of those nice casistas 3. the AAU is about a lot more than just research....they value specific types of research with competitively awarded, nationally and internationally relevant, life sciences, engineering, and medical research being preferred and they also like research into the fundamentals of things not research into taking known things and making them useful or more useful......they weigh all of that on a per faculty member basis so one needs to look at faculty count when comparing to other private schools that do not have a medical school.....they like National Academy members and Nobel Prize winners and other similar awards on faculty and they place a lot more value on a university where faculty win those awards while on faculty vs. a university money whipping a bunch of them to come work there like some schools try to do I think the biggest issues SMU will have is being compared to other private schools already in or on the cusp, finding a place to set up research facilities on a campus that is stuffed full and in a high cost of land area (even across the freeway), they are more business and law than life sciences and even their engineering is relatively new in terms of universities, and they are not a small university for a private one and again a lot of their enrollment is business students and areas outside of fundamental sciences so they will have to add faculty in areas of low enrollment and or grow the enrollment in those areas on a stuffed full campus....or turn over their student mix which could help some rankings provided they do not cut faculty in programs if they lower enrollment in some to grow enrollment in others.....they will need to grow graduate enrollment as well and probably trim down their MBA enrollment to do so 4. I would think that Guy Bailey the president of UTRGV would be a candidate for Texas and before anyone says anything he was at Tech a while back and did a lot of good things for them (that have since been allowed to slip), but he left of Alabama (I know not an academic powerhouse, but where he and his wife met) and then his wife got terminal cancer and passed away and that job fell to shit when he need time off to be with her after just being hired.....to their credit Alabama was very generous to him......after it was all over the merger/formation of UTRGV was taking place along with their med school and he jumped on it I thought the UTD president might be a candidate, but I just read he is 73 and has stepped down earlier last year (after being there since 2016)....I would imagine of Texas struggles to get who they want for a bit he might step in for a couple of years.....but I don't see that being an issue I would not be surprised if Guy Bailey declined the job he has things on automatic down there and I believe he is pretty well liked still I would imagine there will be plenty of candidates and some from places that might surprise people
  20. that is a Pueblo, Colorado 81009 three at bet
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