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Posts posted by ButtFumble

  1. 16 hours ago, deft said:

    Be me. Sheltered anglo 17 year old male working his first job after school at H-E-B in small town Texas. As a bagger, I’m told I have to go clean bathrooms right before close at 2300.

    I go yelling for my manager to ask why there’s shitty toilet paper in the wide open metal trash can next to the toilet. Big culture shock at that moment.

    that sounds like me moving to San Antonio in high school and wondering why a guy has Jesus on his leather name belt.....or still wondering today why I had better grades in Spanish classes than Mexicans that could actually speak some Spanish.....the two other dudes with the upside down cross necklaces probably could have been found in any high school, but still

  2. 18 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    Yeah, I learned my lesson.  Birthday sleepovers only.  Otherwise, the hell with that...I'm out.  At least in the old days, they used to just taunt one another until one of them developed a mental disorder.  Now, it's just one youtube emulation after another.  

    My daughter has a legit skin issue where most soaps irritate her and she has actually been hospitalized because of the inflamation/irritation.  So to take the stigma off of it, my wonderful wife made one of their three craft stations a 'soap-making' station.  So they had the basic ingredients and could then add herbs or lemon zest or botanicals and put them into molds of cool shapes like stars or diamonds or whatever.  Kinda cool, I thought.  Made my daughter less self-conscious about her skin.  So of course one of the little shitheads has to whine about how "why do we have to make soap instead of buying it from the store to make Loboette feel good about her weird rash?"  And honestly, part of me was hoping they'd all put their newly made soaps into pillowcases and beat the girl in the middle of the night, a la Private Pyle.  But instead we had cupcakes.  

    you named your daughter after the Levelland, Texas High School girl's sports teams?

    • Haha 1
  3. 8 hours ago, CooterBrown said:

    IIRC, he’d also given his son a pair of those same shoes in the same size. His son was a chef with his own set of knives he took to and from work. Both his shoes and knives disappeared. He also blamed Nicole for the marriage breaking up.

    If there’s one person OJ would protect, it’s his kid.

    I still shake my head at myself for this, but what I could not get past and what the prosecution team (one of the worst ever) never explained to me (from what was on TV of course) was their back and forth that "oj did this spur if the moment in a fit of rage" followed up with "he is this amazing mission impossible type killer that manages to brutally stab two people with blood everywhere yet there is one speck of blood on the door panel in the Bronco and not much else and he managed to somehow do it between getting food with kato and catching a limo to the airport"

    in addition the cut on the glove did not match the cut on his hand in placement

    it was back and forth that oj had it all planned out, but wore dress shoes, went ahead when ron was also there instead of waiting for another day, and he used just a random knife he already had......but then to explain the wearing of dress shoes, the random knife, and doing it when ron was there it was well "it was an impulsive fit of rage"......and then back to so how did he do that so brutally to two people and come away with so little blood anywhere in the Bronco, on himself, around his house ect......"oh well because he is this mission impossible killer type that had it all planned out and timed perfectly between getting food with kato and catching a ride to the airport"

    based on how shitty the prosecution did from everything that was available from TV I am not sure I could have found him guilty, but I damn sure would have believed if he did not do it he 100% knew who did and why

    I had never heard the stuff about his son that would make a lot of sense....I always figured it was drug related and that oj was pretty scared to call out who did it for fear for himself and his kids and in addition he was not unhappy with the results anyway and it saved him having to fly into a fit of rage some day so he just brushed it off and it was called "even".....once the Goldmans and her family went after him he just decided to double down on being a piece of shit and taunt them

  4. 7 minutes ago, Pancho said:

    Why would Buzz leave A&M? He made it well known he wanted to get back to Texas for him and his family. A&M isn’t firing him any time soon as they have no basketball history and don’t give 2 shits about basketball.

    perhaps he wants to collect a check and have a chance to win something meaningful vs. just collecting a check.....he is still really young even if he looks old as fuck and Arkansas is not that far from Texas.....at the very least Arkansas should pull an LSU and make aggy over pay the shit out of him to keep him

  5. 3 hours ago, Don Johnson said:

    There's absolutely nothing to indicate that Dannyelle or Mariah Musselman had bad experiences in Fayetteville.  They had tons of friends and were very active in the community.

    With her daughter entering HS, Dannyelle does want to get back into media, and LA is one million times better for that than Fayetteville.

    As an Arkansas fan, I loved Muss.  But he did what he does.  He burned out over 5 years.  I wish he would've stayed, but I did have doubts about him having similar success at Arkansas in the future.  5 years ago, he was cutting edge when it came to the portal.  Now, everyone does it.  The group he brought in this year was the worst collection of personalities and mismatched talent I've seen in 5 years.  He also absolutely burned through assistant coaches.  I'll be interested to see who he can bring in at USC as an assistant.

    But USC just made sense for him.  We always knew he wanted to end up back in California.  And he was never a small college town kind of guy.  He gets to start over with a new contract and live where he wants to live.  He's older than you think.  About to turn 60.  Arkansas was really the first time he made "real coaching money."  We weren't going to extend his current deal and now he gets what may be his last big lick at USC.  He will do good things there.  May or may not last long, but I think he will be happy.

    Muss also has a coaching style that does not sit well with Arkansas fans......he is the type that will fuck off the regular seasons with the idea in mind of "finding the rotation that works by the end of the regular season".....and then get into the conference tournament and (hopefully) the NCAAs with a team that has some rested players, a line up that he finally has decided to go with and then they try and make a run.......I think Texas fans might recognize the same things with Pierce in Baseball

    that shit is not how you fill a 19,000 seat arena and not how you build wild fan support and have things like "Barnhill South"......you can get away with that when you are making the elite 8 or even the sweet 16 and bringing back a lot of the core group......but just like with Texas Baseball there is a demand to win week in and week out and of course to make the post season and advance......and just like with Texas Baseball if you miss the post season or you do not advance well into the tournament a lot of questions arise about why there is not better player depth, more focusnessness on winning all season long, and how long can we sustain this 

  6. 14 hours ago, Rickylovesweed said:

    Is Arkansas really a destination school? That would be Beard’s 5th school in a relatively short amount of time and is it just a stepping stone to another job? 

    At some point, Beard has to stick somewhere. 

    Ole' Miss has been to one sweet 16 in 2001

    they last won a game in the tournament on 2013

    they last went to the tournament on 2019

    they last won the conference in 2013

    their arena seats 9,500 and looks like an old college arena


    Arkansas has an arena that seats over 19,000 and they can fill it

    Walton Arena is a lot older, but it is still pretty modern in feel and they are looking to do $50 to $100 million in renovations to it soon


    beard is already known from UALR and already knows the area from being at UALR

    Arkansas went to the elite 8 on 2022 and the sweet 16 last year

    beard could be the top dog coach at Arkansas.....he will always be behind Kiffin at Ole' Miss and probably whoever replaces Kiffin eventually....because football will always be first there especially over basketball

    Arkansas let their football coach hire petrino as a coordinator.....after all the shit that happened there......that would be like letting Strong hire Major as a coordinator while Bev still has the lawsuit going.....not that Arkansas still has any legal issues left over from that, but Pittman is on his last leg and pertrino was the fucking head coach when he did his dumb shit not a lower level coordinator

    if beard was to get back into the tournament next year and get a win or two and football is shitty enough that Pittman is canned well beard would be golden there and his dumb shit would be forgotten......especially if he did well against Texas

    Arkansas is hands down a better basketball school than Ole' Miss


    • Hook 'Em 3
  7. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    This.  From the video sequence showing the two power losses, the ship didn't have a fucking chance.


    So....I wonder about how they can set up temporary ferries, at least for truck traffic that has to go around Baltimore.  As for the harbor.....holy shit, they are fooked.  They have to get that debris clear, and fast.  And "fast" will likely be weeks.

    32,000 cars per day use that bridge......if you have ever been to Galveston and taken the ferry to Bolivar in a holiday weekend you know how fucked it can be....hell or on just a busy weekend

    the Ferrys there hold 70 cars each and it takes about 20 minutes to go 2.7 miles so that is 5,024 cars per ferry per day going 24 hours straight

    it looks like a shorter distance in Baltimore, but they would still need to build the docks and acquire the ferrys

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 11 hours ago, utee94 said:

    We've had our own issues, like an assistant coach who got involved with a chubby trainer, Case McCoy's video escapades, and of course Ol Freak Nasty.

    But at least none of them were murderers.




    seriously you are going to just leave this one out...

    • Haha 2
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