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Posts posted by ButtFumble

  1. some of these "ballas" and their "handlers" are going to learn a hard lesson about "getting paid what they are worth"

    this guy cannot even get a free ride to community college now and pretty much what he has to show for that is $1,000 and some trips to mid level cities around the USA probably flying coach and stating at Motel 6 and eating fast food

    sadly I see a lawsuit coming in the next few year against the NCAA trying to claim these idiots did not know what they were doing or they were not aware that they were giving up NCAA eligibility or that they should be allowed to still get a free ride to college even if they cannot play sports (not sure how that would work, but never put it past the stupid to sue for stupid shit)

  2. https://www.burntorangenation.com/football/2018/8/18/17690766/davion-curtis-transfer-texas-longhorns-wide-receiver

    as the report says 3rd in the past 7 days or so

    they all seem to be leaving on good terms and because they feel they are not going to get playing time

    Texas has a shit tonne or spots open for recruiting at this point so I think it is more critical now than ever to have a big season and fill these available spots with really high quality players

    this year seems to be bigger and bigger as far as really showing progress and keeping recruiting at a high level

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, kopp0e said:



    well with greg flemgar involved and supporting McMurphy things do not look as good now since greg is a known idiot

    but that is pretty harsh for osu if McMurphy has info from sources that worked in the athletics office at osu and you have to wonder about that dick pic too......besides the fact that idiots send dick pics you have to wonder how fucked up and stupid someone is to be at the Whitehouse and think to themselves "hey I bet I can slip in the bathroom and take a dick pic".......you have to be fucked in the head to come up with that idea

    not to mention it was surely not Courtney that he sent it to and that McMurphy got it from so osu has to be shitting now about who has more shit like dick pics and pics of smith getting head much less anyone with a brain is going to have to wonder what more stupid shit a guy that takes dick pics at the Whitehouse and has sex shit sent to his WORK PLACE is capable of doing and documenting and sending around to others

  4. On 8/15/2018 at 4:17 PM, TreatyOak said:



    it would be amazing if you could hit balls on the field during the game and you get points for hitting opposing players and coaches and lose points for hitting your own

    it would be like a 3 way cross between football, roller ball (with the great Johnathan E. from Energy City), and golf

    • Like 1
  5. 50 minutes ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

    Saban is donating $1M to the building project.....why couldn't he donate money to the academic side, while he's at it?

    he was not hired to coach English!

    and I am not sure Bama is reducing seating because Texas is not looking to add more seats I just think they both know that a lot of dumb shits will pay a lot of money for shitty seats as long as there are "amenities" and those people will show up 30 minutes late and leave 45 minutes early, but you can take a lot of money off of them while they are there even if they have no clue what the score is


  6. why are they practicing in the stajium don't they have practice fields?

    and I know it is popular to pick on aggy, but even if they were beloved that stajium looks like total shit

    those old ass fucked up worn out tired stands still on the one side and those ridiculous sight lines and fucked up mismatched shit in the end zones

    $485 million and it looks like shit and only half of it is new (one old side and the one existing end zone stayed)

  7. they are suing Alabama over a low level assistant coach and his buyout


    remember when they did not want to pay LSU for "Chief"......now they are on the other side I hope Alabama clobbers them

    the best part is Jumbo probably would have not retained him, but they will say he would have

  8. I tired of these "it killed my business stories" after I used to have to drive through Ropesville, Texas several times a week for work

    driving back through one day I was telling a coworker that Ropes needed a Cstore because I needed a drink and she said they have one it is Eagle Mart turn here

    we went down that street and sure enough there was a Cstore with one car parked out front in the middle of the street with someone inside getting cigarettes (I think)

    we went inside and I assume the owners son (or the on that inherited it) was sitting in a recliner and the store was dirty as fuck and half empty and all the coolers were broken and the "cold drinks" were in busted up coolers with some ice

    we got our shit and left and I shopped there a few times on and off after that and then a Cenex opened in Frienship down the road and one day going through Ropes there was a big sign in front of the Cotton Gin in town saying "coming soon Cenex" well they built a big ass store with pizza and sandwiches and an area to get burgers and some other stuff and of course clean bathrooms and tons of working coolers and other shit.....I went to Eagle Mart one last time and the fucked up old sign board out front said "staying open in spite of all reason"....they were gone in less than a month

    a friend I new from another town down the way told me that Cenex bumped the tax revenues of Ropes by several hundred thousand dollars and they did a shit tonne of business inside and selling gas (Eagle Mart had no gas just old dusty shit and cigarettes and semi-cold drinks)

    the point being there was probably a 10+ year time period when the owners of Eagle Mart could have tried to get a better location on the highway, offer more shit in their store, sell gas, fix a cooler, clean, get a color TV to go with the shitty recliner or anything to try and actually benefit their town instead they just let the store go to shit and eventually someone came in and ran their asses out and did probably 100X the business in the process and made/makes a shit tonne of money doing so and delivers a lot of tax receipts to Ropes

    you see that all over the place even Lowes is pretty bad about letting their stores get shitty and run down

  9. I understand what people are saying, but when this broke everyone worried that Herman might be drug into it and then everyone seemed to say he was not there when it happened and it has nothing to do with him

    now IMO tosu talking heads have probably seen that concern and decided to try and drag Tom into it to deflect

    and as M. Knight is saying above Tom did nothing wrong if he did leak the story and he did nothing wrong if he did not break the story and IMO it is time to set that opinion out there once and for all

    set the narrative that Tom did nothing wrong if he did leak it and Tom did nothing wrong if he had nothing to do with leaking it and repeat that the issue is not taking place at Texas and does not involve abuse or a coverup by a coach or coaches at Texas

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  10. 17 minutes ago, TriStone said:

    Unbelievable.  How many more news cycles before Urban is reinstated and Herman is suspended and fighting for his job?  All because God only knows how many waterheads out there are thinking along the same lines as this dipshit.

    why would herman be suspended if he simply tells CDC the truth

  11. CDC needs to get on top of this immediately and the best way to do that IMO is this

    sit Tom down and tell him that he needs to tell the entire story about what happened and if he leaked anything, his wife leaked anything or if they prompted anyone to leak anything then Tom needs to tell CDC that and tell Tom that he has 24 hours to go home, talk to his wife, make double sure she did not tell anyone anything or prompt anyone to do things then come back to CDC and tell him the full truth with knowledge that if he is found to be lying in the future it will be his job

    then Tom can come back and tell CDC 100% the truth and then CDC can craft a message to release to the public

    if Tom or his wife or someone they prompted did leak it then CDC can support him for looking out for abused women and say that Texas stands behind a coach that supports women getting out of abusive situations......if they did not leak or did not prompt anyone then CDC simply says he has been assured that Tom and his wife and associates did not leak anything and that GUARANTEE by Tom and his wife came with the assurance that if Tom was not telling the truth and it was proven then Tom would be let go with cause and not paid anything

    then CDC says that Texas does not support the abuse of women and the story on Toms involvement (or lack of hopefully) has been told and that CDC and Texas will no longer comment on it because the abuse and the cover up does not involve Texas and that if anyone has proof that Tom or his wife and associates were involved in leaking it then they need to come forward with concrete proof immediately because Texas will no longer address "unknown sources" and that if Tom and his wife or associates were involved in the leak then Texas will still not address it any further because spousal abuse is wrong and it was not happening at Texas and Texas is not the one investigating allegations of that and Texas has no further involvement and that Texas stands with those that help women get away from abusers Texas does not stand with those that try and cover it up or prolong it

    CDC needs to call out those that are trying to blame Tom if Tom assures CDC he was not involved and if on the off chance that Tom says he was involved Texas needs to call out those that are trying to vilify Tom for helping a woman get away from an abusive situation and Texas and CDC need to drop it all 100% back in the lap of osu

    to me that is the simplest way to handle it.....if involved in the leak at all say yes we helped someone get out from an abusive situation and we will never shy away from supporting that and we vilify those that would try and cover that up and if not involved say "proof" or stop asking

    • Fuck You 1
  12. Christobal looks like he could really get things going at Oregon I was surprised by the hire, but he is a real momentum type of coach if he can get things on a roll then he could do well

    I am really surprised by how well he is recruiting right now and pretty surprised about how bad some Pac 12 teams seem to be recruiting

    I think USC might be ready for another "your taxi is over there" runway incident and Utah seems to be off to a really slow recruiting start.....no surprise where WSU is mike is reaching full self destruct mode and I think Stanford is on a possible glide path to 5 or 6 win seasons

    Cal is having a pretty decent recruiting season so far (for Cal qualifier) and UW seems to be off, but their coach can coach so that helps

    Colorado is having a pretty good year and AU and ASU seem to be in "wait until next year" mode to see what Herm and Rummy do....I am surprised Rummy is not recruiting a little better so far because recruiting was never an issue for him at aggy and lets face it aggy or AU for people choosing a school to play sport and fuck chicks 

    Oregon State needs help bad

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