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Posts posted by ButtFumble

  1. https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/college-football-playoff-bowl-projections-preseason-calls-for-each-of-the-2018-19-games/

    overall that would be a great lineup of bowl opponents for the Big 12 if it happened

    Cotton (1) Alabama vs. (4) Oklahoma

    Sugar Georgia vs. Texas

    Liberty Miss. State vs. Kansas State

    Mack Brown Alamo Bowl by Sally's Cookies West Virginia vs. USC

    Camping World TCU vs. Notre Dame

    Texas Oklahoma State vs. LSU

    Cactus Iowa State vs. California





  2. 1 hour ago, Treefidy said:

    Hmm, except for the small detail of text messages where she calls him out on his physical abuse, he admits it and apologizes.  Ya, except for that small detail this estranged mom story has legs.  

    So now it's becoming common knowledge about his philandering, perhaps he was banging mom.  Ohio and al, if it were in Arkansas that would just be assumed..


    yea strange that her "mom says" that she supports the son in law, but urby's wife says smith scares her and that Courtney needs to be careful about him

    I think this whole "her mom says" could get ugly for tOSU when it comes out the mom is some type of alleged crack head, has some financial interest to protect, or is herself on the payroll of something to do with earl bruce

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  3. those party decks are pretty popular and bring in the sponsor dollars so I am OK with that (as long as they do not have a gong or a train horn for the sponsors to use)

    I would like to see something where perhaps there is a level of seats over those party decks as well, but perhaps that would cost too much

    I also think that there needs to be another deck of those box seats in the middle of it all instead of just that single deck of them and they should probably fill in that left corner with seats even if it is not symmetric because no one cares about a view of east Austin 

    I like the idea others put forth where the end zone has more seats than planned, but they go back in to the east and west side premium areas and remove the old seats and put in wider premium seats so the overall number of seats does not grow really large

    I am not that concerned with aggy or anyone else having more seats I am concerned with a premium experience and also having enough seats that people can still get some decent seats for a fair price and getting the fucking place sold out......there is nothing to brag about when you have 105,000 seats and 15,000 of them are empty

    I understand I just said to put more premium seats in that end zone, but those type of seats are for the casual fan that shows up late and leaves early and is there to be seen (like dallas stars fans) so they will still sell them out because Austin has plenty of that and they can get plenty of money for nice chair back wide seats in between the 20s on the east and west side lower deck

  4. 46 minutes ago, PatrickMcHorn said:

    This could easily be thrown into the dumb question amnesty thread, but I'm choosing to drop it here.

    My daughters and I play the license plate game in the car (keep a list and try to find all 50).

    Trailers on 18 wheelers are a good source of out of state players, however, there is an insane number of them from both Oklahoma and Maine. Any idea why?

    Cheaper to register there? Manufactured there?

    Oklahoma I can kind of see, but Maine? Wtf?


    I believe it has to do with no business property taxes being charged on them in addition to registration cost

    a relative that has a trucking company in Arkansas registers her trailers in OK (not sure about the tractors) and it is because of taxes

    if you have 100 trailers worth $20,000 each (a lower end medium sized trucking company) that is $2 million and 5% taxes on that would be $100,000 a year you could save or more depending on the business property tax rate is where your business is

  5. 25 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

    He better be damn sure there is some documentation that this is actually a possibility.  

    yea he might be fucked on this one

    he will take it in the ass from shorts that lost money today and he will take it in the ass from longs that bought post tweet when the stock goes to the shitter if he cannot back up these tweets

    not to mention unless the SEC proves themselves to be more corrupt and useless than the SEC SEC SEC he is going to be spending a shit tonne of time answering questions about manipulation and even if the SEC finds he did not manipulate (something I sadly see as 50%+ likely) he will still probably face a a shit tonne of class action lawsuits

  6. 5 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    Even if Urban 'reported it to the proper authorities' - it doesn't excuse why he kept this shit-bag on staff.  He should be fired for allowing this fuck-stick to continue collecting a paycheck from OSU.


    unless people higher up liked him being on staff

  7. 24 minutes ago, Rusty Shackelford said:

    maybe and maybe not the deal was made in June 2017 so that should be past any BK claw back period and they SOLD the business so they should have gotten something for it

    while they probably got some nice monthly salaries as part of that sale instead of some outright cash at the time of purchase and those checks are probably going away they are still the ones making it happen and it sounds like Bart would not be smart enough to have a no compete and who knows if there is patented or owned technology that cannot be copied or how it is protected

    not to mention there is a chance they could end up being owned by Ford Credit and thus they could become bigger from that.....but of course Ford could shit can them and put in their own guys or offer them much lower wages and who knows if they retained any ownership that would be wiped out

    but of course this particular entity might be stand alone and not part of the BK and if Ford ends up owning any of it then it would be a % that is equal to what Reagor Dykes owned and these guys retain their equity and their ability to go after new business while having Ford Credit as a willing or unwilling partial owner

    the last one probably being the best for them with the next best being they are not part of the BK and Reagor Dykes retains their ownership full or partial and these guys go after new business

    but I agree they are probably shitting their pants right now and calling Teddy Liggett or Dawis W. "Gorilla Law" Smith to ask them what to do

  8. so maybe those Baylor to the Big 10 rumors are not so crazy after all

    between Penn State, MSU and now this shit the Big 10 is just hogging all the fucked up scandal spotlight....Baylor, UNC, FSU, Ole' Miss and others are like "what a program got to do to get a little attention around here"

  9. interestingly the Spike Dykes dealership does not appear in the BK filing, but Reagor and Dykes are very big athletics supporters so that is not good for Tech because even if the dealerships are taken over it is doubtful the new owners would be as big of supporters of TTU athletics

    Mears Mazda took a shot at Reagor Dykes already over theor "coaches car" program, but there are a number of dealers in that program besides Reagor Dykes

  10. 38 minutes ago, Hank Chinaski said:

    Holy shit, this stuff is only a few hours old and they've already gone full Baylor. 

    Victim blaming - check. Media blaming - check. Threats to withhold (probably insignificant) funding - check. 

    It is always disappointing to be reminded that people who think like this exist. 

     yea not to take the "high road" because often sit comes after doing that, but this thread is full of Texas fans worried about a coach that was an assistant for a couple of years possibly having knowledge of this and Texas having to let him go

    while some (not all I am sure) tOSU fans are pretending like he shoved her one time (not acceptable) instead of apparently beating the shit out of her often and wondering how they can keep the coach that possibly ignored multiple incidents of it and possibly even lied about knowing it

    I love college football as much as anyone, but fuck have some dignity for your UNIVERSITY

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