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Posts posted by ButtFumble

  1. 57 minutes ago, Parliament said:

    Woah, wait. You guys are praising this guy for shooting, 1 handed, through a windshield, while bouncing down a road hauling ass? I am not able to agree.

    Why not bump him from behind? You were close enough to mash the gas and hit him.


    he was in a little bitty ass Ford Escape the perps were in an older much heavier Expedition bumping them would have done nothing especially at low speeds

  2. lets be honest what is everyone more surprised about the "coach" acting like that of the 10,000% more fans in the stands than anyone with a brain would expect

  3. 1 hour ago, n64ra said:

    I still hate the Fiesta Bowl for being the Big 12 tie-in over the Cotton Bowl during the BCS. No fucking Big 12 schools anywhere near Arizona, and we aren't an exclusively northern conference like the Big 10.

    the bcs happened at the worst possible time for The State of Texas oil was in the shitter and everyone was broke and The Cotton Bowl Stajium was a shithole and there was no money to fix it up

    there was no chance to make a competitive bid

  4. 1 hour ago, kopp0e said:

    The XII GoR's allow for a dissolvement of current contracts as long as 80% (8 schools) vote to disband... Keep in mind that the networks themselves would play an integral role in moving properties to new leagues... If the ACC accepted West Virginia, while the SEC adds Oklahoma State & TCU, there would only need 5 more schools to agree to exiting... If the PAC & XII merge 6 from the XII by allowing Texas/ Texas Tech/ Oklahoma/ Kansas/ Iowa State, the GoR's is void, and the league has 16 members (+ 1 additional school)...

    Also remember the PAC signed a more lucrative 1st & 2nd tier media rights contract than the XII: PAC - 12 years 3 billion split 12 ways/ XII - 13 years 2.4 billion split 10 ways... The issue that would be fixed immediately would be in having a swath of rabid fan bases located in the CTZ to go with the large markets of the PTZ on the 100% owned PACN... Even the option of selling a percentage of the PACN to ESPN would be possible in the upcoming media negotiations of around 2023 (PAC) to 2025 (XII)...


    the GOR has noting in it that allows for withdrawal from the conference.....it is a totally and completely different contract from the 99 year contract for conference membership


    above is a link to the contract for conference membership

    section 3 page 23 Withdrawal

    specifically section 3.2 part c

    (C)  if  a  third  party  offers  to,  or  attempts  to  induce a Member to, leave the Conference and/or breach or not to fully performits future obligations under the Grant of Rights Agreement and the Member does not both (1) inform the Conference of such action as promptly as possible (butin  any  event  not  later  than  twelve  (12)  hours  after  such  action)  and  (2)  immediately and  unconditionally  reject  that  offer  in  a  form  and  manner  reasonably acceptable to the Commissioner; or (D) if a Member otherwise takes 18 or  fails  to  take  actions  that  are  determined  by  a   Supermajority  of  Disinterested   Directorsto be contrary to the best interests of the Conference taken as a whole.


    when you read part C along with parts A and B just above it you will see that a member is said to have withdrawn if they do not follow part C (which is actually a requirement of TWELVE HOURS not twelve days as I said previously) to notify the conference of ANY contact to leave the conference

    so unless you believe that 8 members of the Big 12 are all going to sit down and in 12 hours find a way to all leave the conference to acceptable other conferences and then "notify the conference" and then vote to disband the conference then what you are saying is not possible

    because once it goes past 12 hours of contact between a conference member and some other conference or some other individual or entity trying to get a member or members to leave then any of the members that have had contact and not made notification to the conference of that contact AND made notification of their LACK OF INTEREST IN LEAVING THE BIG 12 to the other party then they have technically "withdrawn from the conference and thus are not eligible to vote on conference business

    so it is not possible for 8 members of the Big 12 to all get together and find suitable homes and then vote to disband the conference unless you believe that can happen in 12 hours or less and the reality is there are not going to be 8 members that would sit down and collude to try and break that section of the contract nor that would believe that they would be able to find a suitable home in a period of time less than MONTHS and thus they are not going to be a party to any 8 member back door deals especially when doing so could result in them being left out in the cold if they were found to have broke that 12 hour notification and the 2 remaining members of the big 12 decide to screw them as pay back


    just as an example if Texas, OU, OkState, Tech, KSU, KU, ISU, and WVU got together and said "we can do this" and they all went out there and tried to do it and in a few days all but ISU had found a home and the other members said "well we have to let TCU and Baylor know what is up and we are prepared to pay the exit fees anyway or we are prepared to litigate and to try and get that exit fee down to $25 or $35 million each" and ISU says "no wait we need more time to find a home" and the other seven say "we are gone no matter what and we are letting TCU and Baylor know"

    at that point none of those above 8 members can vote to disband the conference and more importantly in the case of ISU that has not found a home they are no longer considered a member of the Big 12 and thus they are actually still on the hook for the withdrawal fee

    the "best case" for them would be that TCU and Baylor voted to keep the Big 12 in tact, they voted to litigate with the other 8 members and they told ISU that they would let them back into the conference (with bad blood), but they could easily tell ISU that part of getting back in the conference is that they get ZERO of the dollars that the other 7 members have to pay to exit the conference and that only Baylor and TCU split that money and that ISU gets nothing from any left over NCAA credits and that ISU does not even get their NCAA credits 

    the worst case would be that TCU and Baylor tell ISU they want nothing to do with them and they go after them for an exit fee just like the other and ISU gets stuck paying what the other 7 pay AND they have no new conference home

    plus if you read that contract closely I read it as to the fact that if any members of the Big 12 sit down and talk with each other about leaving the Big 12 together to a conference or to different conferences and especially if they discuss breaking the GOR or the contract for conference membership that in and of itself requires 12 hours notification to the Big 12 and can possibly be considered as withdrawing or it can make them ineligible to vote on conference business especially business related to keeping the conference whole or disbanding the conference or changing any exit fees

    the contract is very clear that you are in violation of that contract if you try and go talking to other conferences even "causally" or if some "third party" talks with you about "what you would do if this happened" which is why I am surprised that the idiot david boren stated publicly that "he is always talking to his people about the GOR and what it means"......if that drooling old fool is still alive if and when any major shake up happens to the Big 12 those word s could really haunt OU especially and could cost them a shit ton of money 

  5. anyone that looks at the last 3 games of "da season doh" and the UH game the next year and does not understand that mike reached his max level at Tech and was not going to stay at that level or surpass it is just clueless

    then you add in he is still doing the exact same stupid shit at WSU and you would have to be brain dead to not understand that mike will never be a next level coach he is a coach that wins a lot of games against spare teams (when he is not shitting the bed to them occasionally) and that is pretty much it

    no coach that has a higher plateau comes into their 4th season at a program and loses a game to a D1-AA program at home to start the season and no next level coach does the same to start their 5th year at a program.....much less the ability to still clutch defeat from the jaws of victory in their 10th, 11th, and 12th season as a head coach

    mike fans will always point to some "big win" that "Tech should not have won", but that just tells you where mike had Tech in a position where people never really expected them to have a big win so when they did it was "amazing", but coaches that have a higher level or that get to the next level have their team in the position where they are EXPECTED to win some of those big games and more importantly those coaches do not make CLEAR AS DAY idiotic coaching decisions that cost their team a win over a team they easily would have beaten and that they were 100% in the position to beat in the game until their coach fucked it up for them

    you can't point to a big unexpected win and say that you have a coach with higher potential and all the worse when that coach still just fucks up games that were a clear win.....not to mention the games that should have been a win, but mikes teams just came out and shit the bed like losing to a D1-AA team in year 4 and 5 at a program

  6. 9 minutes ago, pigmeat markham said:

    Given your unrestrained and unjustified bitterness, I'd have to guess as a kid, Mike Leach must have stolen your candy.  Your remarks defy reality.

    what do I have to be bitter about?

    mike came to Tech he reached the max level that his coaching skills (and more so his personality) will ever allow, he tried desperately to get away from Tech and was rejected time and again by better jobs (and some jobs that were not remotely better at the time like UW) and he became bitter and turned on his players and started to make stupid coaching mistakes and throwing his players under the bus for them and then self destructed and did so in a way that saved Tech $800,000

    I am not the one hiring old washed up reporters to try and dig up dirt on Texas Tech administrators that left the university years ago, I am not the one filing lawsuits against Tech 7 or 8 years later.....I am not the one still making stupid coaching decisions that cost a team wins and I am not the one that comes out two years in a row and manages to find a way to lose to D1-AA teams to start the season.....all while demanding more money, having another failed "next level" job search and while still trying to jab at Texas Tech.....mike is the one doing all of that stupid shit and it is not selling well to the WSU fans and administration either and it will sell less and less well as time goes on

    but I know I know mike says stupid shit, mike caught a fish and shot a bear, mike does hop scotch (and probably drinks some scotch) as he walks to work....but of course he still is a shitty recruiter, he still sucks at clock management, he still has shitty special teams, he still understands nothing about getting younger players ready for the next season, his teams still start like shit at the first of the year, his teams still play like shit after a bye week, he still finds a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory (New Mexico
    Bowl and Colorado with WSU), and he still pretty much gets the brush off when "better jobs" come open......shit the ink was not even dry on the aggy check and drunken kevin sumlin had a job at AU while Tennessee fucking fired their AD when they found out he was going to talk to mike (and that was what the 3rd time mike wished he had the Tennessee job and was not remotely in the running)

  7. 6 minutes ago, pigmeat markham said:

    It's fun to play make believe.

    yea but unfortunately for penis leachers no one believes their bs that mike was wronged when everything that happened is out there clear as day

    if mike had simply followed the university procedures before filing a lawsuit his contract bonus would have come to the completion date, but instead he went right to filing a lawsuit and thus Tech had to fire him and that was before the bonus was due.....too bad so sad for mike and the few idiots that still think he would have done anything meaningful at Tech besides find another way to self destruct (like will be most likely happening at WSU this year since all the things are in place for a full on mike melt down)

    mike was never going to accomplish anything of significance at Texas Tech and he never will at WSU either because his focus is on building the cult of mike and trying to land a next level job at a school that would never want nor would they put up with his self centered clown show

    top programs want wins and their program to be the focus of their football not mike catching a fish or saying something stupid about the playoffs or anything else especially when he will never sniff the playoffs unless he buys some tickets to go to them

    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, kopp0e said:

    Actually, in the case of let's say ESPN & FOX, it would be advantageous for the networks to look at "consolidating product" by placing let's say 6 XII members with 10 PAC members, and instead of paying 22 schools P5 revenues, the networks only pay 16 schools in a PAC-XII merger... Assuming WVU is absorbed into an ESPN conference property of either the ACC or SEC, there is a reduction of 5 schools no longer required the revenues of the current setup... Also the networks gain more inventory of tier 1 competitive games as:

    California v Texas/ Colorado v Oklahoma/ USC v TCU/ Texas Tech v Arizona State in football in a  UCLA v Kansas in basketball, for example...

    but there is still the factor of a $40+ million per team cost to get 6 schools out of the Big 12 and that is just not going to go away the legal precedent is fully there and I have no idea what the PAC 12 contract is, but I doubt they can just get rid of two teams with no cost there

    not to mention that you are still adding a smaller number of teams that command better money to a larger number of teams that command less money......it would be just as easy for the networks to tell the PAC 12 they do not want all of their second tier content only a portion of it along with the first tier content and they can take their additional second tier content and put it on their little PAC 12 networks and make a go of it themselves with that and the content they currently have on the PAC12ns

    and Tech fully met their contract requirements with mike it was a simple fact that mike and his fat little lawyers and fat little agents were too stupid to understand the contract and made a lot of really stupid mistakes thinking they would force the hand of Texas Tech....and they did and it cost mike a shit ton of money because he was too stupid to wait a few days to swing his stupid little sword

    • Like 1
  9. Arkansas should beat Eastern Illinois, north Texas State, Ole' Miss, Tulsa, Vandy, and Missouri (although they managed to lose to them last year)

    that gets them to 6 wins and they SHOULD beat CSU, but it is on the road and CSU did win 7 last year (against a lot of bad teams though)....CSU did play Bama decent though (for a G5 team), beat a terrible Oregon State and should have beaten CU if they did not get "little brother syndrome" and screw it up and they were close with a pretty good Marshall team in the bowl game

    north Texas state fans (generally known as total football idiots) have the Arkansas game circled as "their game to show the comatose giant is awake", but SMU kicked the shit out of them last year with aggy Chad as coach and Arkansas surely has better talent than aggy Chad had at SMU especially in the lines and just a deeper team overall so north Texas state should get thumped plus aggy Chad and staff are familiar with north Texas state and their players and what they run

    so with a CSU win that is 7 wins so far Auburn and Alabama are most likely losses so that leaves aggy, LSU and Mississippi State to get 8 wins or more all 3 of those are winnable games, but as of late Arkansas has only really been competitive with MSU....they do play LSU well and had some wins a few years back, but not in the last couple

    if they can go through the post Auburn, aggy, Bama string of games and beat Ole' Miss, Tulsa and Vandy in a row then a bye week before LSU and MSU maybe they can win one or both of those....if they can get the aggy win in that 3 week stretch that looks really good for the Ole. Miss, Tulsa Vandy run and being 4-2 out of those 6 games would give them a lot of bye week energy for LSU @ Arkansas

    and LSU has a pretty brutal schedule of Miami, D1-AA, Auburn, La Tech, Ole' Miss, Florida, Georgia, MSU, bye Bama so I see at least 5 losses in there before the Arkansas game (that La Tech game could be a good moneyline bet with LSU most likely being 1-2 going into it and the corndogs enraged at gumbo)

    a 6-3 Arkansas Vs a 4-5 LSU at home with Arkansas off a bye and LSU off of Bama could easily be an Arkansas win their fans would be moonshined to the gills.....a 7-2 Arkansas Vs a 4-5 or worse LSU would probably be a beat down because LSU would be in quit mode and wondering who their next coach is

    so really that aggy game and Arkansas taking care of teams they should take care of is the big setup for that LSU game that I think makes or breaks a meh to really good season

    the way the aggy, LSU and MSU schedules set up prior to Arkansas playing them Vs the way the Arkansas schedule sets up id favorable for Arkansas as well

    • Like 2
  10. a couple of things

    1. the Big 12 has a 99 year contract for conference membership that calls for a penalty of the prior 2 years worth of conference distributions for leaving and this contract was signed in 2012

    this is a SEPARATE contract from the GOR

    8 members of the Big 12 have been a party to ENFORCING a similar contract on two different occasions against 4 teams, CU and NU then A&M and MU and those 8 Big 12 teams collected negotiated damages equal to about 10% more than a years worth of conference distributions so it is pretty impossible any of those 8 teams could argue that suddenly they should not be held to a contract like that

    WVU and TCU have both PAID under a similar contract with the Big 8 and the last team that paid under a similar contract was Maryland paying $36.5 million which was WELL over 1 years worth of distributions from the ACC

    so these contracts continually stand up in court and result in significant damages paid

    2. this same contract calls for any member that makes contact OR IS CONTACTED about leaving the Big 12 to notify the Big 12 within 12 days AND to send a legal notification to the party they had contract with denying their desire to leave the Big 12 and failure to do so results in being unable to vote on conference business and other penalties

    3. it makes ZERO economic sense that media partners would find it desirable to pay 2 to 4 teams to leave a 10 team conference and join a 12 team conference and then pay SIXTEEN teams an amount of money that would make it financially desirable for those 4 teams to leave a 12 team conference

    why would the want to pay 12 teams a large  amount of new money when they could simply keep the 4 teams where they are and pay 6 other teams a large amount of money and leave the conference with 12 teams making the same or less money

    it makes even less financial sense to add 4 teams to a 12 team conference when those 4 teams are currently making significantly more money than the 12 team conference makes thus you would have to offer a large financial incentive to those 4 teams AND to the 12 teams Vs just paying 4 teams to stay with 6 others thus paying a great deal less money

    4. it is simply not going to be possible for the Big 12 to break apart and find suitable landing spots for enough members that the conference could break apart without financial cost to members leaving the conference

    and that is all the more so when you consider the 12 day notification clause above

    the Big 12 needs a super majority of members to disband the conference and that basically means 8 of 10 teams and you are not going to get 8 of 10 teams in a position to feel as though they have a landing spot and make that vote especially within 12 days

    5. the ONLY way that it would be POSSIBLE in my opinion to get 4 members to leave the Big 12 and pay the cost to do so (even going to court and negotiating it down to $40 million or so each based on the Maryland settlement and past Big 12 settlements) and especially get them to the PAC 12 is if UCLA and USC tossed their weight around and demanded that the PAC 12 go back to uneven revenue sharing as they did until their last contract (just like the Big 12) and then that provides incentive enough for 4 teams to come to the PAC 12 along with a significant change in how they handle 3rd tier content and 3rd tier revenues

    everyone needs to remember that USC and UCLA made demands on the PAC 12 that if they did not each get on average $20 million a year or more from the new contract that other members would kick money to UCLA and USC.....most people forget that demand because in the end the PAC 12 was able to get just to the $20 million per year average for their new contract and that demand was not needed to be met

    with the way things are now who knows if USC and UCLA would make those demands again or how they would be met, but it is HIGHLY unlikely that you could take 4 teams (or even 2) in a conference with 6/8 other members making significantly more money in one conference and add them to 12 others and then boost the money high enough to cover exit fees and make it worth it to the teams coming to the PAC 12

  11. 2 hours ago, kopp0e said:

    Do you ever see a day, where if there are four 16 team conferences, that all conference schedules are pretty much uniform..? As in all leagues have a 9 game conference schedule, with 3 out of conference games..? Would that make inventory for broadcasters easier, and in the case of the XII actually remaining and expanding post 2025, how would streaming of individual 3rd tier content put the XII in an advantageous position vs traditional linear broadcasting..? 

    I think the XII has a lot of potential to buck the trends of an expected even four conferences of 16 members each, as symmetrically it sounds great, but I don't really see it happening within the next contract cycles, maybe after the renewals of the ACC in the mid 2030's if the conference can't keep up with the B1G & SEC in media rights payouts...


    no there are a lot of reasons I see it makes no sense to do that and that some conferences will resist it, not be able to or will not get the money to

  12. On 5/23/2018 at 12:56 PM, Tuco said:

    I agree that it would be a ways out and may not happen at all.   

    My impression is that the Big 10 is mostly concerned about the Big 10 and tends to be a bit, inbred, for the lack of a better word.  Whether it hamstrings national contenders is a distant priority compared to that insular mentality.  And it seems to work for them, on a money basis, which is going to drive a lot of the decisions.  I'm not sure a scheduling alliance would do much to relieve that.  If you look at Nebraska's current schedule from a money standpoint: 9 conf game, 1 P5, 2 non-P5.  That's going to be typical schedule.  Assuming both non-P5s are straight pay days (home game with no away) and the P5 is a home and away, it means that 11.5 games per year will be played in a Big 10 stadium, with Big 10 TV rights.  If you replace 1 conf with another P5, then it drops to 11 games per year.  That .5 game for 14 teams is an extra 7 games the Big 10 stadium/TV.  Okay, maybe not strong because of the lower tier teams can't command as many money games, but it's still money they leave on the table.  And, frankly, that extra occasional visit by a Nebraska (or Michigan, OSU, etc.) means a lot for the lower tier schools financially.  You ISU fans may think we are all assholes, but we travel well, and spend money when we do. There are going to be a lot of schools voting against losing that pay day. 




    this is not how the math works at all there is no such thing as a "half game" your math is not logical or based on reality

    if you have a 14 team conference that plays 12 games total and 9 are conference games that gives you 168 total WINS AND LOSSES with 126 of those WINS AND LOSSES being conference WINS AND LOSSES and 42 being OOC WINS AND LOSSES......but the part you are not correctly accounting for is that each conference game has TWO conference members

    so of those 126 WINS AND LOSSES in conference games you only get 63 actual GAMES for TV because they are conference games controlled by the conference media partners

    now if you assume that the 42 OOC WINS AND LOSSES are home/home that means each year there would be 21 games that would be home for a Big 10 team so an additional 21 games for the media partners for a total of 84 Big 10 games for the media partners


    now lets look at playing 8 conference games

    you still have 168 total WINS AND LOSSES and now 112 of those are conference WINS AND LOSSES which makes 56 conference GAMES for the media partners

    you have 56 OOC WINS AND LOSSES and if you assume those are home/home games then you have half each year that are home games for the Big 10 or 28 of them

    so 56 + 28 = 84 the same exact number of GAMES available to the Big 10 media partners as with a 9 game conference schedule

    so the ONLY way the Big 10 media partners would lose games with the Big 10 playing fewer conference games is if a conference game was replaced with a series that did not result in a home/home series or better for a Big 10 team......and even the worst Big 10 teams are not signing games in the OOC that are 2-1 in favor of the non-Big 10 team the worst Big 10 teams can still sign home/home games or they can sigh 2-1 games in THEIR FAVOR which would actually result in MORE Big 10 media partner games not fewer

    people seem to want to forget that a conference game with TWO teams is still ONE game for the media partner and if you switch that to OOC then each of those TWO conference members now has a game and as long as team A plays at home and team B plays away in year 1 and then they swap and team A plays away the next year and team B plays at home then the media partners have THE SAME NUMBER OF GAMES each year......BECAUSE THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A HALF GAME

  13. Just now, TreatyOak said:

    You'd think that after all of his fights that Pacman would have learned how to properly throw a punch. 

    lets see you throw a punch when you have a backpack, fanny pack, your woobie tied around your waist, you are over golding, you have to holdup your pants, and you have arms full of pink plush toys you are carrying

    • Like 3
  14. 9 minutes ago, pigmeat markham said:

    This is such bullshit, it's absurd.  Like him or hate him, I couldn't personally care less, but you're denying reality.  

    While an average of 8.4 wins would look really good right now,  in his last six years at TT, Leach won 9 games twice and 11 games once, was nationally ranked 5 times at season's end, while going to the Cotton Bowl twice as well as the Alamo, Holiday and Gator Bowls.  Certainly not the national championship game, but not exactly "spare" bowl games either.


    no it is 100% the truth he coached 10 seasons in a 12 team conference and never won the conference a single time and his best achievement was being in a 3 way tie for the conference division one time

    lets look at the amazing teams that he beat for those 9 and 11 win seasons (and remember no fan base talks more shit about the Baylor OOC than Texas Tech fans)

    2005 he played FIU 5-6, Sam Houston State D1-AA, and Indiana....STATE D1-AA in the OOC so he played two D1-AA teams and a team with a losing record in the Sun Belt

    in 2007 he played SMU (1-11), UTEP (4-8), Rice (3-9), and Northwestern State D1-AA in the OOC and he also mixed in that amazing loss to a 6-6 Colorado team so he could do a classic "mike coached team" and fall out of the rankings the next week after managing to get in the rankings with the most shittastic OOC schedules in history

    in 2008 it was Eastern Washington D1-AA, Nevada (7-6), SMU (1-11), and fucking UMASS D1-AA

    so out of those 29 "amazing wins" in those three "amazing" seasons mike got 5 of those wins against D1-AA teams and 5 of them against some of the shittiest D1-A programs out there and one of them against the only team with a winning record from three seasons of OOC games Nevada that was 7-6

    so 11 out of those 29 wins in those three seasons were against total shit with two of those seasons having two D1-AA games

    you compare that to what Art Briles or Mike Gundy have done at Baylor or OkState or what Patterson did BEFORE EVEN BEING IN THE BIG 12 and mike looks like an even bigger piece of shit for a coach

    the guy has coached 16 seasons (and will be 17 if he manages to not fuck something up before this season at WSU) in two conferences of 12 teams and he has never even outright won the division in those 16 seasons and he won't this year for sure much less managed to win the conference

    he made his way at Tech scheduling total dogshit and running up the score on them and yet Tech fans talk the most shit about Baylor and their scheduling while ignoring that it did not come close to being as shitty as how mike demanded that Tech schedule

    and oh yea there was 2009 when he had North Dakota D1-AA, Rice (2-10), New Mexico (1-11), and UH <----- you remember that UH game right another classic mike moment (that WSU got to experience in a bowl game) when mike "sung his sword" and drunken kevin sumlin took that sword and butt fucked mike with it and stole the victory from him and then mike threw the team under the bus and tried to blame it on them.....and then another classic mike Tech finally manages to get ranked and an A&M team that was  3-3 with wins over New Mexico (1-11), Utah State (4-8), and UAB (5-7) and then three straight losses to Arkansas, OkState and KSU came to Lubbock and butt fucked Tech to a 52-30 win 

    yea that is a hell of am amazing coach there....much less he is still doing the same stupid shit all these years later and costing his team wins and rankings and possible chances to have actual meaningful accomplishments in a season Vs just numbers of wins with a large % coming over total shit


  15. 38 minutes ago, Pam Cummings said:

    Would be very interesting to see how Leach could have done at Tech for the last 10 years given that UT has been down and OU has been good but meh at times.

    8.4 wins a season average and a lot of spare bowl games and more and more demands for money and more losses to TCU and Baylor and probably still plenty of losses to Texas

    he is the same coach he always was and always will be and this season at WSU is setting up nicely for a big multifaceted leach meltdown

  16. 2 hours ago, slorch said:

    Neil Brown's experience at Tech was fucked up because of Tuberville. 


    Nothing else matters beyong that with regard to Brown. 


    That being said, Tech needs to step away from that whole fiasco. 


    That doesnt mean they will. 


    Neal brown will clearly remember that mike fans were too stupid to even understand that "NASCAR" was about the tempo of running an offense and not an actual offense

    you could apply the "NASCAR" idea to any offense especially one that lends itself to the offensive players being able to get up and line back up without really needing to huddle

    unfortunately for Tech many of the offensive players that Neal had to work with were more used to the "here let me stare at this gum wrapper or think about the stupid stuff I will say at half time Vs calling a play then we can needlessly burn a time out that we will need at the end of the half or game" pace of offense so they could not adjust to a faster tempo of an offense even if that offense was similar to the one they were familiar with

    it was not because of Tuberville that mike fans were too stupid to understand that it was because mike fans tried to insist that a coach that had a much larger set of accomplishments run the air raid and call it the air raid and talk endlessly about the stupid air raid

    Neal Brown is not going to come to Tech when he knows those morons still infest the stands and a small, but vocal part of the fan base especially when he will have plenty of other options

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