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Both Tacos

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Everything posted by Both Tacos

  1. WTF.....dumbass stuff right there.
  2. I hope the fuck not. Casey needs the reps and set himself as QB1 without any controversy.
  3. I don't think there has been focus on the O or D Line for years. Started at Charlie Strong. All the coaches up to now are about "flash" players. After no lineman being developed into NFL players has hurt the recruiting dept.
  4. Ummm, did you watch last week???
  5. Johnson = QB1
  6. Just click the X on the middle frame and then click the play button.
  7. It's Rice
  8. ALL GAS....NO BRAKES!!!!
  9. It should be in the Sports Extra Package.
  10. Unless we get our shit packed in....
  11. Sling and add the Sports Package. Once football season is over, cancel.
  12. Here's where I typically go when out at the hunting land. http://yrsprts.stream/live?v=lhn
  13. http://yrsprts.stream/live?v=lhn
  14. White shirt and sharpie, add bbq sauce stains for character.
  15. Hell Yeah!!!
  16. .500
  17. It's "all gas, no brakes", but it's bad gas.
  18. Probably if they go till noon, it is counted as a full day.
  19. Not sure how you can blame Sark for this lose. When your OLine and DLine get their asses pushed around all over the field, not much you can do.
  20. Just look at the O-Line. When a defensive 3 man rush turns into a QB sack, it's going to be a long day.
  21. I got to give it to Kellen Moore and McCarthy. Hell if an offensive game plan. They knew going into the game they weren't going to be able to run the ball so make your short passes like they were runs. Then air it our when you have the advantage. Pretty nice play calling. Speaking of play calling did anyone else catch Brady shaking off the play call coming from the sideline a couple of times? It was like the ace pitcher shaking off his catcher.
  22. Should have just gone with the sample platter for $150.
  23. If you want to hunt ducks and deer, you got to put in the work. Had my helper this weekend. Only came across 3 moccasins this time. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  24. Ask for them extra crispy next time. You won't regret it. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  25. Well at least you are getting out. I won't be able to until Sunday. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
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