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Both Tacos

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Everything posted by Both Tacos

  1. A run to Whataburger for taquitos is much easier.
  2. Fuck you fat, waddling, slow to the mound, wanting it to rain, in-bred motherfucking head coach. Rain didn't help your pitcher's grip and control. Don't try to outsmart mother nature.
  3. I'm going out back to sacrifice a chicken. Be right back.
  4. He didn't want any piece of Mike. We'll see how he likes Mike on first.
  5. Top of the line up. Can't ask for more.
  6. Ha, I turned to my son and said "Elvis says no swing".
  7. Yep, he's getting in his 10,000 steps today.
  8. Head coach better watch out. He's going to accidentally lose weight with all the walking to the mound tonight.
  9. Good job Ty. Bullpen, time to do your thing.
  10. FU ump for not granting time
  11. Oh God, the Mike's mom story.....
  12. Alright Ty, looking much better.
  13. I'm not liking the lack of control.
  14. What does the weather look like for the evening?
  15. You be you or you're going to Jinx this whole fucking thing.
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