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Both Tacos

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Everything posted by Both Tacos

  1. You need to go higher or just have it lay on the ground, if you have room. I have 16 ft. cattle panels made into arches that cucumbers will grow up and over.
  2. The benefit is to have a consistent temp across your entire cooking chamber.
  3. I would say it is what is stamped on the cryo as that is done at the processing plant. The Kroger label is just the meat department code that is put in, weigh the meat and price label spits out of the machine to apply to the package. If that was me there, my freezer would be full with them. Not only to smoke,but to grind for burgers and such.
  4. Costco had their prime briskets for $3.99/lb. Typically they are $2.79/lb.
  5. I don't think I have a big enough pot to boil all these at once.
  6. Zucchini finally decided to get going. Picked the first three today, along with squash and cucumbers.
  7. Looking good.
  8. So she puts out. Kids stuff - Fishing for trout at the spillway or other places along the river. There is a swimming hole, but be warned that it is freezing ass cold water no matter what time of year. Lots of hiking trails that are easy to difficult. Each cabin also has an outside firepit to roast marshmallows and some will have a hot tub.There is a go cart and putt-putt golf place at the base of the mountain. Plenty of kid stuff to do. Also, tent a pontoon boat and piddle around the lake for 1/2 day. Find a cove, tie off boat and go swimming.
  9. So you're saying to invest in futures of beef cheeks.
  10. Expert up at Covington's Nursery says that's squash bug damage. I've been seeing some here and there, killing them along the way but no eggs found so I thought I had them under control. The wilted leaves he thinks was some lawn treatment overspray that barely got to it. Time to go full nuke on squash bugs.
  11. Any ideas of what is happening to my zucchini plants?
  12. I do like the addition to the attached cover. I saw a video the other day and he did the same thing as what you talked about in using the lid to trap the heat to help cook things all the way.
  13. Did some fajitas and tablitas for Cinco de Mayo
  14. Due to demand going down or just packing up that many to-go order taking more time and just not enough hours in the day to get it all done?
  15. I guess packaging to go orders takes more staff and time than dining in? Is Franklin still cooking as much meat now as he did before this change?
  16. Check this stuff out. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001VJ83LW?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
  17. You could try ant killer. Seems to work for me.
  18. Wait times.....in-store experience....hahaha.
  19. Both Tacos

    Dallas | BBQ

    Actually the cuts from the fatty/crispy ends are what true burnt ends are. However, it is not the burnt ends that is typically expected when ordered.
  20. 1. Probably too much water. 2. You suck for having good size tomatoes already. My tomato plants are just getting 1' to 2' high. As said above, stick your finger into the soil to see how wet it is. Should just be damp about an inch down.
  21. My son had upper respiratory issue in early February that turned into bronchitis. Got over it with meds but he still needs an inhaler around 8pm each evening or after any kind of activity to help breathe like he has asthma. He's never had a hard time breathing previously and is it tip top shape.
  22. My son had upper respiratory issue in early February that turned into bronchitis. Got over it with meds but he still needs an inhaler around 8pm each evening or after any kind of activity to help breathe like he has asthma. He's never had a hard time breathing previously and is it tip top shape.
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