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Everything posted by Quagmire

  1. Yep, more than 10 people posting at once and it goes to shit
  2. Lol true, but sometimes it’s cool to see a guy that’s not full of himself
  3. Dude is clutch and just plays the game, doesn’t act like a douche.
  4. Seems like every time Bergman showboats the Astros lose, wonder if he can hold back his douchyness tonight .
  5. Tell them your keeping the wheels and steering wheel too
  6. Hey you guys remember when OU lost ? That was awesome
  7. We are supposed to go to the playoff ?
  8. Guess the wheels falling off the schooner was an omen
  9. Let it sit for awhile , may come back to life after a few days
  10. Wonder if Bergman regrets his little camera wink after that homer .
  11. Wow, thought he’d strike out for sure, Cabrera has looked like shit
  12. Wow, thought he’d strike out for sure, Cabrera has looked like shit
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