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Everything posted by Quagmire

  1. Springer may of got a triple had he not admired his hit so much last night
  2. Lol even meteorologists have a sense of humor
  3. Yep I’m in the same area. Wife was freaking out, she thinks we should move, like tornados give a shit where you live.
  4. Yikes glad it ended when it did, about 10 more minutes it would have hit my house
  5. After she put her hands up did she wave them like she just didn’t care?
  6. Did he say Duvernay made first drop of his career? Fucking idiot
  7. Longhorn networks sucks dick too, shitty announcers and 3 commercials repeated for 3 hours
  8. Yeah doesn’t matter if theres video proof, some have already made up their mind
  9. It would be nice if they’d do something, I fucking hate littering assholes
  10. Yep all falls on him, least he got to toss a red flag at the red, better than his stupid blank ass stare
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