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Everything posted by Quagmire

  1. He hit the silver suv, that’s why he went out of control into the wall
  2. Caught this picking my kid up from school . Light was red a good 15 seconds before he ran through it, no way he was paying attention. Pickup kid and leave and cops there talking to them. Dude that ran light was saying he had the green, then I cut in that I have it on video. I wish they would treat these idiots distracted by their phones the same way as a dwi, at least the drunk is probably trying to pay attention. Shit pisses me off, school right around corner from that light, easily could have been some kid crossing the street.
  3. Shouldn’t they be antagonizing the jury that handed out the punishment ?
  4. So I replaced the temperature sensor on my equipment , this is a probe that sticks in a hole drilled in the pvc. Will it leaks a bit no matter what I do. I tried plumbers putty but no luck . Is their a caulk that could get wet that might seal it up right? (Giggity)
  5. Better not be no banana in my wind pipe
  6. Yeah, no thanks . Dude is an Antonio brown starter kit.
  7. So the only reason for marriage is to make babies? Missed that in the handbook
  8. Well might as well give them a gun too, so they can protect themselves from credit card thieves
  9. You can specify which folders you want to sync with one drive, then you don’t have e to worry about copying them yourself
  10. No shit, for a little dude that was a hell of stiff arm.
  11. Coons get on our porch all the time, momma just scares them off with a broom
  12. Chop your dick off first and we can talk about it
  13. Dad went to UT in the 60s said this was the chant , no racist “What comes out of a China mans ass? rice rice rice!”
  14. If pussies wouldn’t get mad about it they’d probably stop doing it. So advice is not be a pussy.
  15. Come on man, please be a good sport to the one LSU poster on this site!! He has feelings!
  16. I bet if neon moon caught you fucking his wife in the ass he’d shake your hand after you came.
  17. Yeah they were just faking to slow us down. Dumb question.
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