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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by HenryJames

  1. 5 minutes ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    Ok assume you are right, they are busting the Russian/Trump mafia here and haven't leaked a bit of their evidence yet.

    When does the investigation end? 

    When? Give me a ball park. Because right now, it has been 14 months, and it looks a lot like this is just a circus to keep the swamp around for cover-ups. It has already been exposed that the FBI was in contact with the Obama white house, using a phoney FISA warrant to spy on the opposition running for president. 

    Just tell me when, because as much as you want to save my comments and throw them back at me when Trump is impeached, I would like to save your predictions and giggle as 2018 turns into 2019, then into 2020. You can't sit there and say they are going to investigate this for more than 4 years, wouldn't that be interfering with an election? You going to have a "special council" investigating the president during both terms of his presidency? 


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