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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HenryJames

  1. Fuck is Gasparilla?
  2. Why does Livingstone hate Alan Jackson?
  3. @Armybrat went to Old High.
  4. Feels similar to DeAndre Moore last year.
  5. 'I recognize Helm.' - @Katfid54
  6. and puts up tight end numbers on the field.
  7. He was overrated in high school.
  8. Death, taxes, and Texas high schools undercounting enrollment.
  9. Pics?
  10. When we played our freshmen year at Crystal City, the referee flipped a peso at the coin toss.
  11. Easier pass for her.
  12. That's a Stamford 11.
  13. Kneeland Hibbett is the most Alabama name ever.
  14. He quit on us last year. Fuck him.
  15. Because New York has outlawed pegging as a form of punishment.
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