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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by HenryJames

  1. 30 minutes ago, texasdago said:

    I absolutely love I've Mexico City and would love to live there but there eventually going to have drastic water issues... like us.  


    Or just collapses into Lake Texcoco.

  2. 42 minutes ago, Bevo said:

    The pool party seems like it was haphazardly thrown together. Mid-week with one top target, a mid-level target, and several evaluations and most of our commits. If it was planned as an event to help finish out the class, I would have expected us to pre-evaluate guys like Collins and Brown. Coming in we thought we were looking at two edge guys and during the visit we say they are interior guys. And Collins is listed at 6'4" 240 on 247 so to say he was smaller than expected is kind of dumb. Overall, to me it seems like we planned an event just because, little effort was put into it by the main staff who were on vacation during the dead period and the underlings who arranged it were given no direction. 

    We need to get the DB committed. That is really the only priority guy at the event. And who the hell knows what we are doing at DE. Umeozulu was reportedly too small. We've turned down a lot of guys to get Walton who is much smaller. We may have lost Shelby. Akana, we have no clue about. Wilson is probably a long shot. Gullette is obviously our top target but is injured and is about the same size as Walton. It all just has me scratching my head. I feel like we are partying on a big game safari looking for targets on a Texas deer lease. No big game here but fuck it we're drunk so lets shoot up some whitetail - if I could just get those 2 blurry targets in my sights to merge into one.


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