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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HenryJames

  1. I think what PK does here is all of your moms.
  2. Should we still honor their scholarships?
  3. If we're not dead by 2032, that road trip will kill us all.
  4. It also doesn't have this:
  5. Starkville and Auburn will renew your enthusiasm.
  6. tOSU got hosed with their conference scheduling. They have to play Oregon (twice probably), Penn St, and Indiana. The other three good teams only had to play tOSU,
  7. My favorite ribs are from Mum. Love all the pepper.
  8. You're forgetting drive-through daiquiri money.
  9. I got your mom wet last night.
  10. No. I am boycotting them until pastry stouts become a thing again.
  11. #42 had no chance.
  12. He’s the best down lineman in the SEC and as good as anyone in the country.
  13. Kentucky averages 14 points per game in conference. Don’t overthink this, fagets.
  14. Also beat Vandy on the road. Something Alabama couldn’t do.
  15. You can't fool Cortés.
  16. Pretty fucking favorable spot for BYU.
  17. It’s like if Bucky Dent sold cocaine to Len Bias.
  18. Holly Ward is better than Kylian Mbappe.
  19. Casey Thompson
  20. Derka Dogs - Teach Me
  21. Robert Lawrence Layne
  22. And qualified for the NFL pension.
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