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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HenryJames

  1. And y'all trust this asshole to get you to Mars safely? SMH.
  2. Fucking humid again.
  3. He had to have been impressed.
  4. Maybe he was talking about when Germany invaded Russia and just got the year wrong.
  5. Carr is an opponent of net neutrality protections and has endorsed efforts to reform Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.[24][10] Carr vehemently opposed efforts to block the acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk.[25] In 2023, Carr authored the chapter on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 book, Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise.[26][27] In the chapter, Carr proposes "reining in Big Tech" as one of the main goals for the FCC.[28]
  6. Brendan Thomas Carr (born January 5, 1979) is an American lawyer who has served as a member of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) since 2017.[7] Appointed to the position by Donald Trump, Carr previously served as the agency's general counsel and as an aide to FCC commissioner Ajit Pai. In private practice, Carr formerly worked as a telecommunications attorney at Wiley Rein.[8] Carr supports changes to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and opposes net neutrality protections.[9][10] Carr is noted for his support for banning TikTok on national security grounds.[11][12] In office, Carr has been noted for being unusually vocal about public policy issues for a regulatory appointee, accusing House Intelligence Committee chair Adam Schiff of overseeing a “secret and partisan surveillance machine”.[13]
  7. Joey Mannarino is a gay pornstar name.
  8. We should just go ahead and put lead back into gasoline.
  9. Good on her for saving that dude from Auschwitz.
  10. White people have no agency. Democrats forced them to become racist assholes who vote against their self interest.
  11. While space colonization is fucking stupid, I wouldn’t mind sending a bunch of these assholes to Mars.
  12. And these mediocre white motherfuckers think ‘others’ are the recipients of this welfare now instead of realizing it’s gone forever.
  13. There’s also wine and shit.
  14. HenryJames


    Sammataro, imo.
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