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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HenryJames

  1. Hadn't been there in probably 15 years and never liked their beer.
  2. Pornhub Is Now Blocked In Almost All of the U.S. South
  3. Is Mack going to coach the team in Arlington, or will he be named head coach after the game?
  4. Facebook Deletes Internal Employee Criticism of New Board Member Dana White
  5. I gave your mom a liquid brine solution last night.
  6. Finally, this Bataan Death March of a thread is back on track.
  7. The pitmaster at Freedmen's was none other than Evan Leroy.
  8. @closetojumping hates Parker Livingstone because @closetojumping was Parker Livingstone.
  9. HenryJames


    How many beers?
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