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Certifiably Surly
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mdmost last won the day on October 13 2024

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  1. Yeah everyone is just high fiving that Jimmy Carter died so flags will be at half-staff when Trumps gets inaugurated.
  2. Do yourself a favor in 2025 and put him on ignore.
  3. The FW Stock Show ad now playing on the Ticket references a "melking parlor" that both Junior and Gordo might be interested in.
  4. I chuckle at goal post moving Corby. "Texas has won one championship in 55 years". That same thing can be applied to OU who has only won one championship in 38 years.
  5. No Jomez for a few weeks. Konate and Bradley are back in training so who knows for Sunday.
  6. Do you think Indiana could beat OU? If so, there's no reason to think Indiana couldn't beat Bama. Again, the game of hypotheticals will always have their teams be undefeated in the minds of SEC people.
  7. I didn't ask the dumb dildos on here to keep quoting a post that was 7 hours old and based on the assumption Georgia would be moving on to the next round by the SEC commissioner.
  8. That's the problem with the rule. Everyone thinks they know what targeting is but the way it's called is so arbitrary that no one really knows even when they are "100% sure that's targeting". It needs to be something that's rarely called and only in absolute circumstances that it's so blatantly obvious that a defender is being completely dangerous. It's also ridiculous that it is added as something that's look at when not ruled on the field. The point of replay is supposed to correcting egregious calls, not trying to litigate down to the pixel and assume the intent of a player. It's a stupid rule and it's a stupid rule that morons who claim to be rules experts can't even justify at times based on the rules. There were numerous dumbass rules experts and commentators declaring the certainty of the atrocity of the Taaffe non-call. It's yet another issue college football needs to tackle but doesn't have anyone at the top to do an adequate job of.
  9. Uncle Joe wasn't winning that when voters had a lower opinion of him than Trump. I get this your bit but you're not living in reality. The only thing that would've turned the tide is lower grocery prices and maybe the Fed lowering interest rates much earlier. Low information voters who vote against their own self-interests were going to do that regardless of who was at the top of the ticket. But hey, you can do hypotheticals like Joe Biden's an SEC team that should've been in the playoffs instead of Indiana for the rest of your life, I guess.
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