The only hope I hold out about Stephen taking over is he may be one who can be shamed into doing the right thing when Daddy passes away. Jerry gets a lot of rope because of who he is and what he's done. Maybe we're at the point where that might run out soon especially with this hire. I don't see anyone giving Stephen any grace period if he takes over and tries to be Jerry 2.0. But then again when you have fuck you money and the fan base seems incapable of throwing in the towel, what can really be done but just stop bothering to watch. I passively watch now. I don't let it run my Sundays like I used to. I turn it on and have it in the background. It doesn't really bother me when they lose because I hope it takes away a little bit of Jerry's soul every time. He would have to have one for that to matter. The more he fails, the farther away he gets from being "a football man" that he so desires to be taken seriously as so he tightens his grip even more. What would help is if his former players would stop treating every action he does as okay. Even Troy takes a kid gloves approach with his criticism of Jerry. The man is not above reproach and it would be great if loudmouths like Irvin would say something.