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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mdmost

  1. If they lose of course there will be no introspection. Elon won't think "did I cause this because I made Twitter a right wing hellscape". It will be evil women who SHOULDN'T EVEN BE ABLE TO VOTE TO BEGIN WITH!
  2. I'm honestly shocked there wasn't more of this in places like Detroit and Philly.
  3. Fuck him. He bought his ticket. You want to side with the worst of humanity then don't be shocked when your siding with them goes very badly for you. We've give him a Medal of Freedom.
  4. Fuck Around Find Out about your babybackbabybackbabybackbabybackbabybackbabybackbabybackbabybackbabybackbabybackbabybackbabyback
  5. Maybe Jerry thought he was trading for Mongo from Blazing Saddles.
  6. It won't be called but that fuckface will try to declare victory regardless the second any returns go his way.
  7. I'm usually a go on Election Day person. Our local polling place is always light. I only early voted this year because my wife wasn't working from home today so we went last Friday.
  8. If Philly brings this home, I will gladly sacrifice two games of them kicking the Cowboys asses this season. Yeah, they're going to do that regardless but I'm willing it to happen even more if Philly gets her over the line in PA.
  9. Somebody get this guy to a Chili's. I sent you a PM BTW.
  10. Well this will fix everything. Keep him away from the grain alcohol.
  11. Icono or the immigrant who hates other immigrants.
  12. Dollar billions. I'm glad Zuckerberg stole the Facebook idea from him and his twin.
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