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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mdmost

  1. I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that’s real Watched Shawshank this weekend with my oldest and the part with Brooks made me think about a Hurt open since UT’s season was over.
  2. Do you want me to bring my Antifa brick piles with me?
  3. Most of the neighborhood racists went to Nextdoor so I have to go there to get my fix of outrage and paranoia.
  4. That's your future Director of the Salary Cap.
  5. The line of retreads starts with Gruden?
  6. Did you email the listings to the AG's office? Maybe it does nothing but jamming up those pricks would be a nice possibility. https://oag.ca.gov/contact/consumer-complaint-against-business-or-company
  7. I wish people would stop giving that dumb bitch oxygen but that's the problem with social media. Any moron can get on and say something stupid and then it spreads to gullible morons or trolls like Pronghorn. It doesn't matter if people push back or community notes pop up. People believe what they want to believe.
  8. Sadly, I'm not seeing anything on the Hospitality site for that match. That was the easiest way to get tickets overseas.
  9. You really didn't but for some reason you have to make this thread about you. You also put in rioting in your post people like me took issue with but seem to leave that out every time.
  10. I stopped using Facebook during Covid. I only go back to look at memories of certain days. I checked my feed and it was a ghost town. Do people still use it or did everyone move to Instagram? I've noticed a lot more Instagram type feeds that are shoehorned in.
  11. Wait, is 5280 really Elon? That would explain a lot.
  12. I agree with someone else that Quinn should've faked a toss and booted to the right. It probably doesn't work but he could've throw it away and not taken a loss.
  13. In no world were we ever kicking a FG down 7 with 3:30 left. Sark was always going to go 4 downs in that situation.
  14. My two biggest what ifs are what if Baxter didn't get hurt and what if Bond was healthy all year. Not having better options running the ball and getting Quinn some relief was a large factor in all 3 losses. Even with Baxter they may have still happened but I would've loved to have seen what a consistent running game could do. Wisner was really good but he stumbled against better competition.
  15. Sure. The play will be picked apart to death and once again we'll play the what if game. It was just a bad call and Sark has got to get some help with goalline and red zone play calling. Maybe Arch is the key because his skill set is so much better.
  16. He was 1-4 against OU and lost to Maryland twice. Come on. He couldn't beat USC in OT.
  17. We never stopped being that even when we wandered the desert.
  18. Nice try, aggy.
  19. Sure like he looked like a stupid bitch taunting a college QB for the other team in a meaningless bowl game.
  20. Herman was 1-4 against OU and lost to fucking Maryland twice.
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