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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mdmost

  1. Sure but he's white and male so he automatically has a leg up from half the country over the previous candidate.
  2. So we'll get to hear whining for the next 4 years about how he would've had the greatest crowds in history for a 2nd termer if the weather didn't force people inside. https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/17/politics/inauguration-moving-indoors-cold-weather/index.html
  3. Well if you prefer the run to the middle and lose again strategy then okay. It doesn't matter who the Democrats put up, the right will call that person "radical" and it will work because CNN and others will repeat the line.
  4. Newsom is pushing back every chance he's given to both Trump and Mike Johnson. He's not afraid to call shit out or be combative. This is the same guy who did a show with that dipshit Sean Hannity on Fox News and handed Hannity his ass. He's an early favorite to be the nominee if we get to have an actual election in 2028.
  5. Supreme Court upheld the ban on Tik Tok. Biden has said he will not enforce the ban so he tosses the hot potato to Trump.
  6. That's what pirates do. They pillage. The kids were always going to act against Jod to save their world. The reason Jod stayed on the planet was pretty evident. He got gold fever. He literally bathed himself in credits at the end of episode 7. Why would he need to go off world when he could just stay and plunder from unlimited resources. It was the ultimate pirate treasure. He also was being hunted across the galaxy. He could stay on a hidden planet until he grew tired of that. That was to setup a possible season 2 or allow Jod to return in some other Star Wars property.
  7. Watching the Montreal game live right now on my Apple TV. Looks like the Bally's broadcast from last year. They did a 30 minute pregame show with some commercial breaks thrown in. You can watch full replays, 5 minute condensed games, pre and post game interviews, and classic games. They also have small featurettes, podcasts, and shorts. It's not bad as far as content and a whole lot more than LHN. For some reason, you also get the same for the Anaheim Ducks. I guess they have the same deal as the Stars. It's free to sign up and you can use a web browser to get the content if you want to check it out.
  8. This is some good news.
  9. I have it on my iPhone and Apple TV. I haven't tried to watch a game on it. The app reminds me of the LHN app. Not designed for the Apple TV specifically and more of a mobile app so it's not as clean and the interface can be clunky. I'm not sure how many providers and Smart TVs they've made the app available for.
  10. https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/star-wars-david-lynch-return-of-the-jedi/
  11. Wow. https://variety.com/2025/film/news/david-lynch-dead-director-blue-velvet-twin-peaks-1236276106/
  12. Obsession noted
  13. Nothing changes until Jerry is no longer breathing oxygen and even then we have his son to deal with. So sure, at least make it entertaining for me as a fan since the structure of this organization isn't changing. But ultimately, this is just BS to get Jerry some headlines before he unveils his next disappointment and Deion some leverage for more money out of Colorado.
  14. Agreed. I think it will do fine with people who are used to paying for subscription content for sports such as Peacock or ESPN+ like me. I may pony up the $100 for a season to try it out since it would be better than the streams I've been using. For long time Rangers fans who are older and are used to turning on their cable or satellite receiver on and just watching games, it's going to be a tough adjustment and will make some just not bother. I wish this new deal would include a local OTA option for at least a portion of the games so people who already get games through their TV package would still get some of them similar to what the Mavs have done. Maybe I'm misremembering but when I was a kid I remember watching some games on 21 or 27 and the rest were on FSN or FSSW. It's so odd that MLB can't streamline this for fans so people can just watch their content.
  15. Okay that's awesome because I remember going to a big Nintendo experience like that at Fair Park when I was in junior high in the late 80s. Maybe that was the Nintendo World Championships like they had in that terrible Wizard movie with Fred Savage.
  16. New Republic Corellian Corvette. Probably not the Tantive IV since it was a different color. Wim knew a larger world just opened up for his future.
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