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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mdmost

  1. Sure but small towns have always pushed back against this. Irish communities were routinely targeted by the Klan. I will stress again, people need to read A Fever in the Heartland by Timothy Egan. It details the Klan's rise to power in America, specifically Indiana in the 1920s. The rhetoric about migrants the alt-right and MAGA are using today is a carbon copy of what the Klan said back then about blacks, the Irish, and Jews. Seriously, it's a great book. https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/558306/a-fever-in-the-heartland-by-timothy-egan/
  2. https://www.pbs.org/video/ohio-city-with-haitian-migrant-influx-thrust-into-spotlight-1725923126/ Some good background on why Haitians moved to Springfield and the tragic accident that's now led to all this.
  3. He really has nothing but empty sound bites and "people are saying".
  4. So I see the Right is in the anger stage of grief. Or is this bargaining? Trump would've won if Kamala sorority sister wasn't a moderator?
  5. The refs were against us. Constant cry of the loser. The 14 year younger "sorority sister" of Kamala Harris was not why Trump vomited crazy lines like THEY'RE EATING THE CATS!
  6. Taylor is also a woman who understands what happens to pretty young girls if MAGA gets another shot at the White House. It ain't pretty.
  7. This is why he only wants Fox. He can't stand anyone that's not letting him riff or pushing back on something he says. He's a thin skinned pussy. But all these stupid dudebros think he's some virtue of masculinity. Kamala's more of a man than Trump's pussy ass.
  8. No, he's a craven cunt who hated Trump until he saw Trump was his only ticket to power in Washington. So then he went full MAGA choad.
  9. Man, you're right. Trump wasn't exactly both sidesing Neo Nazis, he just lunches with them when they come to Mira Lago like Nick Fuentes. I guess she could've brought that up and it would pass bluto's fact check requirement.
  10. She does need to have more detailed discussion of her plans but it can't be in the stupid gotcha terms CNN, ABC, and the NY Times wants. This isn't a policy discussion.
  11. I'm not a Republican, I'm a redass aggy that hates women.
  12. I think you also may be predisposed to not like her because shit you've read on Facebook or Twitter, you don't think a woman can be President (not exclusive to undecided men), or you don't want another black President. How anyone can think he won that debate is beyond me unless you just held her to too high a standard and him basically no standards. If you wanted to hear her speak on specifics, I guess. But you think "I have a concept of a plan" and evading on answers is better?
  13. Because it's performative nonsense and they want to tack it onto a bill when it shouldn't be there. You don't negotiate with terrorists.
  14. "I am half-Ukranian and have family in Ukraine but I'm undecided on whether or not to vote for the guy that will cut all funding to Ukraine and allow Russian to kill everyone there".
  15. He tried to do that pull the hand in technique he loves so much and she pulled her hand back.
  16. Well I'm not posting the shit. I'm not giving her more engagements on this site. If you want to see it, go find it.
  17. Well there's the Brittany Mahomes types. She does have country fans still. But those people already knew she endorsed Biden/Harris in 2020. She spoke out against Marsha Rashburn. This is not some new thing. They're just mad that she didn't endorse their God King or that she didn't just stay silent. She was never going to stay silent, not after Trump pulled his stupid AI move using her likeness. She's made it very clear in interviews, award acceptance speeches, and her music that a man claiming her fame in order to further himself is one of the things that make her the most angry. He was asking for her to endorse Kamala to claim her name back.
  18. Just go to Twitter. It's one of the trending topics.
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