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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by mdmost

  1. So fucking transparent CNN. That lady is a Trump voter that wasn't undecided.
  2. These dumb chodes on CNN who thought Trump win, what the fuck did you watch. You weren't undecided if you thought he won.
  3. Bash calling this out for the racism it is.
  4. These cunts are really going with there's not enough evidence that people aren't eating cats. I hate this line but they are not serious people. Just a fucking clown show. What man, white, black, or latino can look at this and think nah, I'll vote for this because a black woman is just too much.
  5. Vance blaming the refs. Oh yeah, they know it was bad.
  6. I hate that fucker but that's a brilliant line.
  7. There is no way his team lets him do another debate.
  8. CNN keeps bringing up Kamala needing to appeal to man. How about men stop being fucking pussies about letting a woman lead? That motherfucker shouldn't get your vote just because he has a dick. He is the emotional one. He is the unhinged one. He is everything those stupid cucks say why they don't want to vote for a woman. Stop being a thick headed fuckstick. He's a delusional old man. He's not John McCain. He's not Mitt Romney. He's not George W Bush. He's a charlatan. He's a fake. Stop being drawn to him because he gives off false machismo. It's all bullshit. Look at how he wilted whenever a woman was "rough" on him.
  9. CNN going over the Taylor Swift endorsement. This will be the talk of all the morning shows tomorrow.
  10. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/redditor-migrant-pet-eating-fears-goose-photo-jd-vance/
  11. Nah, it will be everywhere tomorrow. It's another slap for Trump.
  12. https://www.instagram.com/p/C_wtAOKOW1z/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  13. Walz is going to end that slimy motherfucker
  14. You're just a straight up racist or you hate women. Donald Trump was 100% what men say about women, they're too emotional.
  15. President Trump, you fucking moron, thank you.
  16. He played right into what she laid out about him in her closing.
  17. She did so well with that closing statement.
  18. Not a single question about mass shootings. ABC, you are a failure.
  19. Agreed. He's going to go even further to the crazy. It's his only move. I don't see how anyone can vote for him who wants continuity of office unless you're just a stupid racist and/or misogynist.
  20. The late, the great John McCain. OH! A phong is ringing! Linsey is also a pussy.
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