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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by mdmost

  1. ADs and boosters. The latter is what worries me since those whores can sit in luxury with their cocktails and jerk off appetizers while the rest of us get fucked with $75 parking, overpriced food and no State Fair. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Yeah the allure of that stadium is way gone. It's been around about a decade now. Everything is done there now. In all sports. College football is all about the tradition and pageantry. Each stadium is unique and delivers an experience you don't get at NFL stadiums. Aggy/Arky and Tech/BU playing there is fucking retarded. Giving up home games to play at that sterile shithole makes no sense. But it's all about the money so then again it does make sense (just not from a fan's perspective).

    All these neutral site games are ruining college football. Playing in baseball stadiums and hell, they even played at a fucking Nascar track. They are whoring themselves out and stripping away what makes college football great all for the almighty dollar.

    Right. I think Jerry whored him out so much that he let the big prize (Texas OU) get away. Still, I only gave that a 20% chance


  3. 10 minutes ago, Rio Frio said:

    I hear ya. It’s a miserable, cavernous environment for college football. I’m an Ag, and our fanbase—as well as the Razorbacks’—is overwhelming against our current arrangement of playing the annual A&M/UA series there each year.

    Congrats on a great season!


    Other than the money, I don't get why Arkansas purposefully gives up a home game every other year when that could actually benefit them against aggy. As it stand, they'll never beat aggy at JerryWorld. 

    And as I said to mdleast, there is nothing special about playing at JerryWorld. Everyone plays there. Hardly anyone plays at the Cotton Bowl and we actually have history with OU there. So why ever leave that beautiful venue where you have, outside of seats behind the pillars, wonderful site lines and even upper level seats aren't bad? That's like the Rose Bowl moving to the new LA NFL stadium when it gets built. Some games don't have to be about luxury suites, party platforms, and the largest Idiocracytron. Sometimes it can just be about football.

    • Like 7
  4. I'll be honest. What really kills that stadium is the breaks in the 300 level. If it were a true bowl, like Texas Stadium, it would be a lot better. Instead you have dead space at the 20s on both sides and both ends. It kills the continuity of the stadium. And then that stupid massive scoreboard that detracts from the on the field action. In 2009, my brother and I had to yell to each other "eyes on the field" because even at the lower level, we noticed our eyes going up. It's just not a place that's conducive to good football watching. It's certainly not a reason to kill the specialness of our game with OU. 

    • Like 3
  5. Considering how I felt walking out of Fed Ex, this season wasn't bad. I had them slotted at 8-4. So they were one game better with a chance to get 10 wins with the bowl. Yeah it sucks to lose to OU but it's tough to beat that team and that QB twice. I'm won't mind if Orlando goes to Utah State. That 3 man front is piss poor and not what it takes to win the Big 12. I think I'm ready for a change on that side. Kyler faced very little pressure all game and then had wide open options when we needed stops. Oh well. On to the bowl game. 

    • Like 3
  6. 8 hours ago, cactusflinthead said:

    That's all good, but if you start posting in the Oil Baron's thread we will know.

    Look, he’s not Rex. He just posts exactly like him, hates the same things Rex hated, and attacks the same posters Rex attacked. Again, no way he’s Rex.

    Wonder if anyone won a truck last night since the Cowboys won on a Ticket friendly 13-10.


    I mean the gate agent is an asshole but what did the mom really expect when she put that name on the birth certificate? Like the hospital staff didn't laugh their asses off the moment the car pulled away from the hospital to take the alphabetical equivalent of 1,2,3,4,5 home?


    "She said 'Mom, why is she laughing at my name?' And I said, 'Not everyone is nice and not everyone is going to be nice and it's unfortunate.'"

    So by all means, name your kid something odd that will draw attention, both negative and positive, every time her name is on a piece of paper. This is like the reverse of A Boy Named Sue. 

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