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Colonel Mustard

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Everything posted by Colonel Mustard

  1. Still dunno why we always have a useless TE out their every snap. Cant block, and not a threat receiving.
  2. Hate Urban but hes right on everything he has said. Played the worst half possible and still only down a td and getting the ball
  3. Down only 7 at half. Thats a fucking win.. New game, come out and fuck em up
  4. Yikes, do they even practice running a 2min offense without timeouts?
  5. Just make it to halftime 7-0 and it will be a fucking victory. Holy shit everyone looks like they dont want to be there
  6. Offense shitting the bed while the defense is magically keeping us in the game
  7. Dunno wtf we even trying to do on defense. Cant do anything well at all. So reactionary
  8. Not a good sign when the first scripted series goes for big negative yards
  9. I feel like this is the game where we allow our zone read runs to actually include Sam.. Its been automatic handoffs no matter what ever single game so far. He's gonna run all over them and it's gonna open up the offense a lot.. I feel our defense is better than we/others give credit. We have given up a lot of garbage late TDs that misrepresent the outcomes. Its OU so I am betting on our defense doing just enough. Hold them under 38 and we gonna win.
  10. not a fuckin chance. Offense better score every series
  11. fucking just going through the motion. fuck this only gotta win by 1 mindset bullshit
  12. Cannot believe how much we stay in turtle mode. Always playing not to lose
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