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Colonel Mustard

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Everything posted by Colonel Mustard

  1. Sam not getting us in good chance plays. Keeps running when we dont have the numbers. Most of our shit is set to fail before we even snap it
  2. Getting sick of the "only gotta win by 1point" shit
  3. Would be nice to see a series for the offense where we dont have to get 20yards for first downs
  4. our tackling is dogshit. we either miss or we target
  5. of course big ass epps would catch and quickly step out before anyone gets close to him. fucking pussy
  6. complete dogshit first quarter for us... still tie game
  7. Why even have him back there. Either gonna muff it or let it roll to the 1..
  8. Gotta get something in place to start holding refs accountable. Some of this shit is stupid and game deciding
  9. Their defense is flying around. Lets see if they can do it for 4 quarters
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