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Colonel Mustard

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Everything posted by Colonel Mustard

  1. Bingo, any fat fuck 7th grade coach knows this. You dont let ANYTHING bad happen before halftime.. Its Hermans fault for even having Jake back there
  2. Good job jake. Give them free TD and injure our best CB. Ya fuck
  3. Eagles, dev, and smith need to be on the field every possible snap
  4. Really wish we would get our TEs off the field and just go 4 wide with dev and jake on the field at the same time. so much to account for
  5. Gonna get called for shit every single time we have a big play. dig in
  6. The amount of luck OSU has vs us every single year is unreal.
  7. Looked like a lot of empty seats now. 12th man go home early?
  8. im sick of this instant "defenseless" runner bullshit anytime anyone gets close to a running QB. Rules made by people who never played the game
  9. Thats just their innovated offense at work. Its genius. "LBs and DBs cant cover a WR if we block them with our linemen." If any coaching round table had this kind of brainstorming, it would be lsu
  10. all the lsu fools spam posting over here...
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