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Colonel Mustard

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Everything posted by Colonel Mustard

  1. I remember last week during the Arizona/Hawaii game one of the cbs halftime jackass predicted mizzou as a darkhorse playoff team.... It made me laugh then, and makes me laugh now even harder.
  2. Backups learn nothing positive when you just let them do turtle shit like that everytime they get to go in.
  3. If you want to absolutely suck at your job and never have to worry about getting fired or punished, become a ref
  4. I swear Galindo makes shit up just to sound dramatic for no damn reason
  5. The problems are obvious and on film now. Better get cleaned up before next week
  6. 2min drill goes on list of things to work on....
  7. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiits TIME!!! /Bruce Buffer
  8. Please hold on for another year coach Strong. We've earned this.
  9. This is the same Iowa St team that people say gonna be playing in conf champ game?
  10. What was worse from the halftime hacks -pumping up aggy playoff hopes based on a loss against backup qb clemson game or -picking mizzou as a dark horse playoff team
  11. That pirate can really sling the football
  12. I am really starting to love the make up of this team. Full of talent and we are finally at the point where we have very talented leaders and not just seniors who fell into it. Fucking koolaid man....
  13. Full Game ass whoopin can now be watched in 1hr 23mins
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