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Colonel Mustard

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Everything posted by Colonel Mustard

  1. Here ya go. Close as ya gonna get https://www.instagram.com/taylorbethdavis/
  2. Love how we always one up aggy. Now their win doesnt mean shit vs our win..hahahaha
  3. We do this every fucking game. Cannot just have a nice easy finish
  4. Hope we arnt about to get a whole half of safe conservative play calling like we can just sit on this little ass lead.
  5. Needs TD bad. Get a good lead and itll take away the running game
  6. Letting them hang around within strike range
  7. Just dont give up quick scores. Make them drive
  8. 7 sure would of been nice on that freebie.
  9. Need a collection of all his stupid lit / secsecsec best conference and football tweets
  10. Station so lit he jumped ship the first chance he got
  11. OU better be glad they have an elite offense or their record would have been terrible with this defense
  12. That probably does it. Up two scores and WVU doesnt appear like they have any hope in stopping OU offense
  13. This is gonna be fun. Hope they beat up and wear themselves out
  14. Hope we sucked enough this week and show up next week
  15. Why are you passing.. Overpaid dumb mofos.. Killing our own drives ffs
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