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Colonel Mustard

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Everything posted by Colonel Mustard

  1. Some limited stupid ass play calling with a cripple at QB. This is fine
  2. He cant throw but fuck it lets keep throwing ducks and put our running game behind the chains
  3. Offense seems really limited today. Cant QB run and limited passing game. If he cant run the full offense then get him out and hope he heals and is ready next week
  4. It did kill the drive and we have been our own worst enemy the whole year. Its true and it doesn't matter if it hurts ur feelings or not you snowflake
  5. Just dont give them any quick scores. Make them use a ton of time if they gonna score
  6. That was exactly the type of play calling for Shane. Run game + quick throws = success
  7. Can we not be fucking pass happy with Shane please.. Run the ball and do quick pass game off it.. Dunno why they always put so much on Shane
  8. and this is why all those missed points matter. It would have taken away this run game.
  9. Have you watched our previous games this year? Exactly which game this year gives you the thought that we will easily put this game away?
  10. This game should be fucking 28-3 at halftime.. We could fuck up a wet dream
  11. Heard is not the guy for that unless hes passing.. fucking hell.. Just keep it with sam there and u had positive yards
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