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Colonel Mustard

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Everything posted by Colonel Mustard

  1. Slow score and go to half time. Get ball after half do it again
  2. Big miss by offense that series. Had it perfectly set up with ability to get a first down inside the 5 and we leave with nothing.. ugh
  3. and thats why you dont ever get excited about anything this team does until the game is over
  4. Just keep everything going positive. Dont shoot ur own dick
  5. Hell of a drive, boosted start by LJH again.. Feels good
  6. Gave up 24 points in the 4th.. What a joke.. Starting to be a trend too. Not good Todd... Fucking fix it
  7. 21 seconds is a lot to ask from this shitty fucking defense
  8. Its amazing what they decide to review and not to review. They will spend 10mins on some stupid shit but not even take a peak at game deciding calls.. Blows the mind
  9. Of course its Locke, great scout for them to find the weaklink
  10. Why not take the time to review that one? Its a big key play. Everything else has been reviewed.
  11. He starts his slide like .02 secs before Wheeler hits him.. Slow mo for these reviews is retarded. Theres no way a defender can stop that quick on an active ball runner
  12. Our pass rush should be shown at clinics on how not to do it
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