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Colonel Mustard

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Everything posted by Colonel Mustard

  1. Getting mudholed by one of the worst ok st teams in like a decade..
  2. love how we just keep dropping our crappy DEs into pass coverage. So predictable on 3rd down
  3. and tired shitty defense is right back on the field.. yay
  4. Only positive im seeing is as long as we dont step on our dicks, their defense sucks too
  5. This defense is a joke. ok st making this look fucking easy. sad
  6. Sportscenter? People still watch that crap? lol
  7. im impressed. I expected them to storm the field lol
  8. was anyone even back to field it? all u fucking had to do was baby kick it and let it roll down the middle..lol
  9. Just 2 powerhouse SECSEC defenses going at it. Clash of titans
  10. In a situation like that, it doesnt matter. Our guy is better, go get it
  11. There is no excuse for that call. Could have iced the game right there.
  12. Awesome game. Wish it would have finished with the 3 score ass whoopin but ill take it.. Hell yeah
  13. Ball game.... We made that harder than shoulda been.. What a fucking ride!!
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