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Colonel Mustard

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Everything posted by Colonel Mustard

  1. If u run that 2 series ago this game is over already
  2. Let off too early. We were rolling and pulled back..amazing
  3. Cant give them the ball back.. Score or run this out or we in trouble
  4. ARE U FUCKING SERIOUS.. overthinking. keep it simple and run the clock..
  5. Just nothing quick! If they gonna score atleast make them use 5+ mins
  6. March it down their throat again. Leave no doubt!
  7. Dominated 3 of 4 quarters so far.. Lets finish this
  8. No quick scores and we good. Let them have to tick the clock
  9. Herman looking confident. He knows he has them
  10. My goodness wtf is this playcalling and execution... awesome
  11. Playmakers showing up big time so far.. love it
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