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Colonel Mustard

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Everything posted by Colonel Mustard

  1. Cant ask for much better from the offense that half. Please continue that
  2. Go to halftime here. Get the ball to start the 3rd
  3. Pushed their shit in that drive. Lets get that ball back defense!
  4. Play calling and the EXECUTION has been great so far
  5. Keep going right at them. Lets not pull out the tricky shit drive killer yet
  6. The amount of commercials they squeeze in is amazing
  7. great series defense! lets go! We feeling it
  8. Great drive. Drove the field, ran some clock, over came flags, converted 4th down, and punched it in for a TD. Cant ask for much more
  9. OU fans gotta be seeing how shit their defense is. Not a playoff team at all
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