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Colonel Mustard

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Everything posted by Colonel Mustard

  1. How many slow play action passes will we try from the 3?
  2. another great save by the defense, now for the offense to go out and do jack shit
  3. This team is so frustrating. As coaches THIS is why u dont let Sam make decision. Keep running the ball
  4. Get rid of the fucking ball u dumb fuck
  5. Heyyyyy 2 first downs running the ball. Now lets go away from it
  6. another stupid ass decision which leads to a flag which puts us in our own endzone again.. we are so stupid
  7. Im so sick of targeting being questioned on every freaking play.
  8. TCU is owning the field position battle. Defense playing well enough but Our offense is beyond dog shit
  9. Low football IQ. Take major hits on 3rd and long when you have no shot at running for the first. Still doesnt know his battles
  10. It more frustrating when are in positions to totally control this game and we always fuck it up ourselves Oh nice, great start
  11. The automatic pussy mode when inside our own 5 is fucking outrageous. No confidence from the coaches and it shows through the players
  12. Boyd sucks ass. How do u not know that is coming
  13. desperate, gonna see alot more qb runs now
  14. need defense to save our ass once again
  15. great stand by defense. Saved the offense big time there
  16. How could u not see that wr hold.. jeez
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