It will be a massive failure imo if Urban is sitting there ready to go, with no buyout, and you don't even meet with him.
Kicking this failure can down the road by trying to get Herman a new staff is the dumbest fucking thing we could do. We JUST did this shit with Strong. Herman IS the problem, he made his bed, he shit in it and he's gonna get 30million doll hairs to go sit on his unlikeable ass with his hot wife. No reason to feel sorry for him, thats an amazing deal. Its all about results and he provided shitty results.
Fuck all these gambles on the small time coaches. Get the established winner that has done it multiple times at the highest levels.
At the end of the day, you people REALLY don't know shit about all the "baggage" about Urban. You only know what has been "reported" in clickbait "news" titles. Innocent until proven guilty motherfuckers, and in the eyes on the law he is clean. Coaches deal with hundreds/thousands on young adults, obviously they are all not going to be angels. It wasnt his hand who pulled the trigger or beat a woman, or any of the other bullshit that you high horse fucks regurgitate with no evidence. You people that are pretending to be saints on a message board are probably the dirtest mofos around.