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Colonel Mustard

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Posts posted by Colonel Mustard

  1. 12 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    I get not wanting urban. I really don't either. But, go ahead and bookmark this post if you want. If we don't hire him sooner than later, he will be in Norman next year when Lincoln goes to the NFL. 

    I could see this.. That wouldnt be good...

  2. It's not just that we are losing. It's HOW we are losing. All this self-inflicted dumbassery and we all know Herman is not going to change. A lot of you are already saying we will probably be around 6-7 wins next year. So why wait and lose the year. IF the right guy is there to grab, take him now.

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  3. Need a proven guy to spark the program, even if it was just for a few years to set a foundation.  Feel free to start naming proven coaches that could do the job.

    I'm sick of losing and we have put ourselves in a terrible spot. I wouldnt mind seeing what Urban could do with our team and incoming QBs. He would definantly be able to keep our recruiting class together

    Some of you need to get off you high horse, I bet most of you have done some sick ass shit and you're in here acting like ur all saints

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