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Everything posted by William_Cannon

  1. Yep just like Wendy Davis.
  2. Replace China with Russia and the reason for not flipping the switch is because we’re in their critical infrastructure too.
  3. Waze and Goole Maps are now supported on Apple Carplay with IOS12 ...just an FYI
  4. I work for an MNC and the US gives us the business more than any other country.
  5. What services are you using for the games? I think that would be an important factor to deciding.
  6. DE safety razor FTW. There’s nothing like a Feather Blade on Merker 34c.
  7. I’ve had a Kirby and a Rainbow growing up. Both worked well but they were a serious pain to use. I have a Dyson animal now and there’s no going back.
  8. Not really. I’ve had friends lose bikes in a matter of minutes. To the OP, buy the thickest u lock you can afford.
  9. I have a pioneer in my F150; works well with android auto. One word of caution, the power output is weak compared to other brands.
  10. That’s thinking outside the box. Good call.
  11. If he doesn’t want to play, then don’t let the coaches talk him into it. It’s a heck of a game, but it’s definitely rough. I suffered a head and back injury while playing it and the back injury eventually was too much to deal with. However I would do it all over again if I had the opportunity. Football is one of my fondest childhood memories. Similar to your son, the defensive back coach also was the baseball coach and consistently harassed me to try my hand in baseball. Year after year I always declined, but I always spent at least $20 on the dunking booth if he was in it.[emoji3]. Nothing was ever held against me. If he plays, just make sure he learns how to play safely (e.g not tackling either he crown of the helmet).
  12. Pretty good advice, here
  13. No issue with my Craftsman mower with a Briggs and Stratton engine. 15 years old and going strong. I do add Ethanol Shield to my gas as a precaution..
  14. Sounds like a policies and procedure issue not one for a technical solution.
  15. This. You need to know what the soil is like to know how much expansion and contraction to expect with changes in moisture content.
  16. I’ve never had good luck with baffles and tunes by plates. It helped but there were still some odd temp gradients. ... Jimmy, Unless you have a compelling reason to build, I would suggest getting a WSM. Cooking on it is stupid easy.
  17. Anyone use any of those angle wedges on a ring? My doorbell is 90 degrees to the door.
  18. Chipotle Tabasco is my everyday.. Taco Deli Dona something or another is a household fave... Torchies Diablo is staple ingredient to some of my creations, such as Parmesan Habanero Ranch salad dressing...
  19. Thanks. I’m not really a Facebook user... I’ll see if I can find my password.
  20. Where can you get it on the cheap?
  21. Today was a day that will live in infamy....7 yo dropped an F Bomb on my wife! Wife: Honey, you need to pick up if you’re done playing in the living room 7 yo: that’s not my f’n mess. I’m not picking up any of it My wife proceeds to give me the look, but that’s for a different thread...
  22. Wet socks drive me insane. Don’t know why but I hate it
  23. Truth. Couldn’t be worse in any case, so get the youth out there to get the experience as a unit.
  24. I remember going apeshit on that play and my kids not getting it.
  25. Keep praying. Whatever’s been happening over the last decade ain’t working.
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