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Everything posted by William_Cannon

  1. I have a 16 zone Rachio and use only 9 of them…sounds familiar
  2. This. ….Or you could look on YouTube how to cast concrete.
  3. Any recommendations for seasoned and split firewood delivery in Austin? Also what are the going rates for full, half, and quarter chords?
  4. I fought CTMA once on a 45 cent toll that TXTag failed to read. I got the notice in the mail for $1.45 , which included a dollar fee for not using txtag. I got busy and after a month of ignoring it, it grew to $16.45. I ended up fighting it with both CTMA and TXTag, because they blame each other. In the end it was not worth my time, but I got it down to 45 cents and made it painful so they’d fix their shit. It’s bad y’all; fbar operation.
  5. What is it with wives and cars? - She’s currently ruining a set of Michelins because she doesn’t see the big ass Costco sticker telling her when to rotate the tires. - she’s all sorts of pissed she needs to go in person to renew her registration because the renewal notice sat for over year on her desk. - she hauls around a bunch of crap and then complains there’s no room. She borrowed a stapler from a friend and carried it around for 2 fucking years in the truck because she was going to return it. - I detailed the interior and she just get annoyed that she can’t use it for 2 hours. I also returned said stapler. Not a single thank you. - there’s a big ass gash on the right fender of her car and doesn’t know how it happened. Next time I’ll just buy her a beater car, save tens of thousands of dollars, use that money to buy a bunch of crap to fill her car, sight my new scope on one of her fenders, and arrive at the same fucking state.
  6. Mr Tankless (Bob Lemons) out of Cedar Park. Great guy. Wa s recommended by a friend.
  7. I paid out the ass for the labor to install my captain overkill fans, so maybe count your blessings. Access was challenging like yours and my handyman lacked the prudence to say “no”. I fired him ass since it was going to be a bitch of a job and warned him not to under quote.
  8. Mine is in the attic and didn’t have any issue during the snowpoco. However I drained mine to prevent issues.
  9. I replaced all my fans with Panasonics. They work much better and are super quiet. I didn’t upgrade to a larger diameter vent pie and it still performed on the next level. I’m extraordinarily happy with this purchase even though it was an expensive upgrade.
  10. I have an iPad in a very thin and light cover. Occasionally I need to use a key board. The Apple magic keyboard is light but that shit don’t bend backwards all the way when I just want to use a tablet. The Logitech is bulky AF…So maybe a compact Bluetooth keyboard with a track pad is what I need?
  11. Adidas climacool here. Cheap, lite, durable, cool, and reverseable (if you’re lazy and don’t want to turn them right side out)
  12. Gagree… gas ftw. I have a Toro and feel the same.
  13. As someone who regularly dances with under payment penalties, this just adds fuel to that fire since we’ll need to give it back. What a cluster.
  14. I bought a Lexus a couple of months back. When the dealer called to tell me my tags arrived, they mentioned my timing was impeccable - they are now selling their allocations because there is no inventory and they’ve already sold their in-transits. The supply chain is screwed. I’m looking to buy another car and the little supply that exists is overpriced. I’m curious when supply will bounce back.
  15. Any advice on how to keep the neighbor’s weeds on his side of the fence (6 foot privacy)? Weeds have crawled under and spread onto my lawn. I’m going to look at having a brick border installed in the front lawn. Any recs here?
  16. I’ve used ABC fore core aeration and was pleased with the service and price. Their composting service seemed like a rip off. However, I will get a new quote for them.
  17. My lawn needs aeration and top dressing badly.. The soil is compacted and eroded from various flash floods over the years. I used to DIY this kind of stuff myself but now I just need someone to come out and take care of it. This will take a few seasons to refurbish/rebuild to its former glory so I’m looking for someone for the long haul. I know this shit ain’t cheap to farm out. Any recommendations and advice on fair market price? Lawn is small-medium’ish. Don’t have the sq ft handy. Thanks I’m advance, WC
  18. If you’re a PM and want to get into cyber, then program or project manager is a good toehold into the field. IT compliance also shares many soft skills that are required in project management, such as attention to detail. You will get the exposure and in parallel be able work on some certs. If you want to get technical, it will need to be full immersion for you. ...Books, podcasts, setting up a small lab at home to help ramp. Most jobs within cyber are technical and that’s why several transition from programmers, network engineers, systems administrators, etc. It is an extremely steep learning curve without an applicable technical background. It’s always a very broad field too - so usually you have to specialize. If you work for a small company specializing can be a luxury and it’s trial by fire and learn as you go. This field has a 1% unemployment rate, largely due to an extremely high burnout rate, especially in incident response. You’re always under budgeted compared to the adversary, under staffed, under tooled. If there is a breach at your company, it could mean that they clean house of all security personnel regardless of who is at fault. it’s foolish but it does happen. With that said it does have a low unemployment rate, so rebounding should be easier. You have to constantly think like an attacker, and pay attention to all the evil shit attackers are doing. That can be disheartening at times so you have to have grit. You have to have thick skin. You will make enemies with: new policies and capabilities you roll out, measures you take during an incident, etc. You will cause outages with deployments at some point in your career no matter how much you test because shit happens. So you have to have passion for the work. You have to want to do good, make the world a safer place so to speak. If that sounds like you, see my first paragraph for advice. If that does not sound like it’s for you, get your PMP. You can’t go wrong with your PMP. It’s highly valued and transferable from industry to industry.
  19. I agree the field is 100% what you can do. You don’t need a particular degree, certification, etc. however, you have to start somewhere before you’re part of the cream of the crop talent who doesn’t need some sort of cred stack to get hired. The OP won’t fall into that bucket for years, if ever. Think about the entry level and run of the mill, SOC guy, cyber engineer, risk and compliance guy. Where do they get started? OP, what adjacent fields have you worked in? You likely have to start somewhere adjacent and work your way in. One typically does not just get some certs and get hired. Without some sort of background, the education you get from your certs won’t have context so you get as much out of it.
  20. I also recommend a belt driven Chamberlain as well. However, I don’t do any IOT entry into my house so I can’t personally comment on the Q link. I’m paranoid and know too many dumb asses that don’t consider security in their dev work.
  21. I made the transition. It’s not bad. It’s like Italian va Spanish. Once you know one, you figure out the other. It’s a much more secure os which is why I made the jump.
  22. With everyone staying at home, construction is busy beyond belief. I would expand your search beyond patio cover companies. A general contractor should be able to build a patio cover, no problem. Let me put it this way, a firefighter who moonlights as a handy man built mine 15 years ago and it’s still going strong.
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