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Everything posted by bschoolprof

  1. I didn't realize they had two texas retreads as coordinators.
  2. He's Penn State's Mack Brown without Vince Young
  3. Big 10 football continues to be boring as fuck. Just dreadful.
  4. Nevermind - Looks like the old Manny to me.
  5. I guess Manny Diaz finally figured out how to stop the run.
  6. There is zero chance the Big 12 lets us win the conference on the way out the door, especially if we draw OSU in the title game. They will do whatever it takes.
  7. So if PK leaves, then it's Mike Stoops for DC?
  8. Some have speculated PK didn't really coordinate the back end at Washington, leaving that to Lake, and conjecturing he does something similar here. Who knows.
  9. SIAP. Skip to :43 for relevant defense discussion.
  10. oops. Recent paper on this in Nature was retracted. https://www.wsj.com/science/superconductor-paper-retracted-journal-nature-ranga-dias-c437ce6e?mod=hp_lead_pos8
  11. This is a total goatfuck by the way. Lamar needlessly backs up for hundreds of yards now and it takes an extra 3-4 minutes to get through.
  12. any team we've yet to play that can pass just scares you to death
  13. Those who voted for these bonds are almost as foolish as the ones that approved the train bullshit.
  14. DST for life here. Getting dark at 4:15 pm in the north/midwest on a winter day is depressing as fuck and frankly unAmerican.
  15. I agree, but I have significant doubts Steve can ever win a conference, let alone a NC. Prove me wrong Sark, and then I'll gladly bump this post for the negs.
  16. Sadly, I think he has that knack with lots of teams/situations. He's a 1st class dick shooter. It's maddening.
  17. I wasn't impressed by k-state at all. They are total dogshit. With decent coaching and a serviceable QB, we beat them by 30+. The big 12 is just warmed over cat vomit this year.
  18. we need to give credit to monumentally bad coaching on both teams this game. Just bad calls and gameplans all around.
  19. never a fucking doubt. we had it all the way. my blood pressure is 90/60.
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