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Everything posted by bschoolprof

  1. you guys believing this cool down and rain shit are something else.
  2. That would be ideal, but I'm a doubter. He's 7/8 win Sark until he's not.
  3. We're talking about two different things. You said 8-5 was acceptable to the fanbase at large and the administration. 8-5 this year will be a disappointment to majority of fans and the big donors, and should be a disappointment to anyone with a functioning brain - this is the year to win the conference if there ever was one. He goes 8-5 and his seat will be hot. That being said, on the 2nd issue, I agree he probably hangs around through 24 and maybe 25. After that we start this whole circus again.
  4. Nah, you don't fire Turtle Tom after going 10-4, 8-5, 7-3, only to be content with 5-7, 8-5, 8-5 by year 3 in the worst conference in football, heading off to the SEC. It doesn't matter what CDC or the Texas administration thinks about continuity. All that matters is what the checkwriters want; they got us into this mess by hiring Sark and they'll probably run him off soon enough. The seat will be very hot if we go 8-5 this year.
  5. Deion is great for college football, especially now that Pirate has sailed on. SIAP.
  6. It would be nice if Brooks could get some yards after contact.
  7. Defense looks legit. Offense looks like shit.
  8. I guess it was time to haul the sheet in and ride on the wind that our forefathers harnessed before us.
  9. I have been drunk now for over two weeks, I passed out and I rallied and I sprung a few leaks But I got to stop wishin, got to go fishin Down to rock bottom again, Just a few friends, just few friends
  10. Living and dying in 3/4 time is a good album, but fucking fantastic album name. He wrote some great lines.
  11. Tipping "big" in restaurants is mostly a North American thing. Many countries around the world have figured out how to staff and run restaurants without tipping. It's just our custom/culture and it's hard to change. But it needs to and should. The recent tip creep nonsense has turned me into an ardent non-tipper except for sit down restaurants and a few other places. I was at MLB game last month and I grabbed my own food and rang myself up. The ipad then asked me if I wanted to leave a tip. Lulz.
  12. I don't think most people appreciate/understand how much of a total goat fuck this will be. All in the name of the shiny train god.
  13. Peep show is one of my favourite (!) comedies of all time. It's a shame it's not more well known here.
  14. A lot of finances went there . . . very pricey. But agreed, it is a very solid small liberal arts school.
  15. Agree. But given that our administration has turbo fucked us with shit hires for the last decade, you can hardly blame folks for not worrying about the new living room rug we bought this fall, but instead coming back to the giant fucking elephant standing on it.
  16. You should check out the whole family of shows. Inspector Lewis is great. I'm not really bothered that his sidekick is hard right IRL. Most actors are nuts.
  17. It should be illegal for businesses to ask for or assess a tip and to pay below minimum wage for "tipped" employees. Prices should be raised across the board to compensate and waiters should just get the market wage per hour; if they suck, you complain and they will eventually get fired just like every other business. You want to tip your hairdresser or escort or whatever - fine. That's between you and them. We are the only fucking culture that does this and it's asinine.
  18. I got my last car in SA and saved 2-3K vs Austin.
  19. You made it longer than I did. I gave up after 20 minutes or so. Just dreadful. Yes, I know they were winking at the camera. It was still terrible.
  20. I like how the weather guys are just throwing a random 35% fuck you rain chance in there next week. haha. Like we'll believe that shit.
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